Day 7 Su

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I feel the air leaving my body as I open my eyes to see an arm wrapped around my neck choking me to death! I try to break free, but it's useless when you're literally facing the queen of the dead! I didn't know what to do as I panically ask myself, "Why was she trying to kill me? Did I grab something in my sleep? I knew this was a bad idea to let her sleep on the bed with me; But I would've got beaten down and I don't like to get hurt! I need to think fast because this was going to be a painful way too die! Even by my standards this was overboard!" I try to sit up but realize that she was pretty light, even with this crazy strength. I then stand up and feel a stream of fresh air go into my lungs as I gasp louder than dogs mating by a speaker. I then feel her arm loosen as I could hear a yawn behind me. "She's this strong when she's sleeping? This is so unfair. the only thing that book could help me out with right now is hitting her on the head with it, but it was still to light, even with its hard cover." She yawns and see's me as she then asks, "Why're you blue?" I look at her from over my shoulder and say with a distasteful attitude, "You almost killed me with that arm of yours while sleeping. Thanks to you, I looked like a relative to Anna." She rubs her hair and ignores my comment; Acting as if it was only a slap! But that type of crap is traumatizing! I needed time alone so I could think and just grab my towel before going into the bathroom with it wrapped around my shoulders. Then I see the pink Koko knocked out in the bathtub in her small uniform. She wasn't going to wake up anytime soon and I needed to do something fast. I had a idea that seemed totally reasonable to as I grab her head and place it in the toilet before flushing away. I say, "Morning sleeping Lewdy." As she pulls her head out in a panic and looks around the room like a lost dog! She then looks at the toilet and back at me. Her face said it all as she wanted to rip me a new pipe by my scrotum. I looked at her with my serious expression and say, "You look stunning without your make up." She smirks and stands up like a stripper; Being incredibly seductive as she walks her fingers up my chest saying, "Hey handsome. You didn't finish me up in time and then left me to rot in here. Wanna continue where we left off?" As much as I wanted to, I couldn't help finishing my sentence as I say, "The flush didn't work out for you though since you're a natural clown." It sounded stupid as hell, but it was worth saying something awful as she kisses me on the lips and whispers into my ear, "See you later tiger." A pink cloud covers the entire bathroom as I wave it away from my face. Koko then became visable in the mist as she looked me in the eyes and looked pissed off as she stormed out of the bathroom in anger and shuts the door for me. "I'm so thankful." I lock it and take off my clothes before showering for my average record of twenty minutes. I get out and look at my hand as I couldn't believe that this little spiral could do something so stupid like read that book. I just sigh and dry myself off before looking into the mirror and flex. "Oh crap!" My two abs were clearly visible and I could see a faint outline for the next set! I didn't know hard work everyday could lead to improvement! I felt my confidence rise up as I felt a little more muscular. I grab my jeans and underwear off the floor and put them on before I leave the bathroom and head straight to the closet where my next shirt was ready to be worn. It was also black, but had a green power symbol in the middle of the chest area. I look at my bed to see the three of them watching TV, but as soon as Layla seen me, she jumped up and said, "Alright, let's go." I raise an eyebrow asking myself, "What's this girl talking about?" I ignore her and grab a tea from the fridge as I then sit down on a chair by the front door and grab that book to read as I realize that my life is boring now. I just stay there sipping and reading away without any other thoughts, but knew that Layla was staring at me for some reason. Without even glancing at her I ask, "Why're you staring? Are you a stalker? Are you secretly in love with me and wish to have my babies?" She replies with a salty attitude, "You promised me we would go to that mall so I could choose some clothes." I remember and sigh while closing the book. I then grab my bag and open the front door before asking over my shoulder, "Aren't you coming?" She looks at me with a smile on her face and follows along. She had the key in her hand the whole time so I couldn't just leave without her either since she most likely would've locked me out of my own place. So we finally head out as we go down the usual dirt road to our destination. And when we pass by the school, I see the principal drinking out of a tin flask as I pretend to be shocked, "Oh my God! Drinking on school property principal?! I would have never guessed!" She nearly spits out her alcohol as she faces us and wipes her mouth with her sleeve. "What the hell are you two doing out here at this time of day?!" I place my hands on my waist and smirk before replying, "I'm taking her out to find some nice underwear that fits my tastes. Wanna join teach?" Layla elbows me in the arm as I chuckle and rub where she hit me as I hold back my screams since it hurt like hell! But the principal just sighs as she hands me a twenty dollar bill from this world and heads for the school entrance saying while waving her hand, "Don't get into any trouble you two. And keep your mouths shut!" I go, "Hmph." As Layla asks while continuing down the road with me to the mall, "What?" I reply, "You know; Now that I've seen her acting casual, I have to say, she's extremely beautiful for someone her age." I felt something giving me a dark shiver down my spine as I face the school. Noticing her peeking at me from a window as I blush and remember that she could read minds. We finally go on our way as I just read my book until we reached a big tower of a building that actually reminded me of the mall back at home. I never had any friends to go to the mall with me, and the only reasons I would go was when my mom would shop for our clothes or when my dad wanted to buy presents for christmas. Recalling that warmed half of my heart while the other side began to break down since I had a mixed reaction of feelings that were common for me. I couldn't even think about the past without the thought of my dad's death or my mom's depressed expression. I had no reason to be happy along with those real monsters you call human girls always treating me like a disgusting presence when I did nothing wrong! I can't even believe that I even had feelings for them as I now hate woman in general thanks to those God awful experiences. Yet here I am with a vampire about to go shopping. "You know, this would be the first time that I ever went to the mall with someone other than my family." She looks at me and replies, "This will be my first time at one since ever." I felt a little sorry for her, but that wasn't my fault as I began to walk in with her tailing behind me.

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