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"Ms. Walter. What happened here?" I heard a voice scream. A guard stood outside my cell and pointed at the guard Jerome killed earlier that day. I stood up from my bed and walked to the bars. "I don't know." I said sleepy. "Can I go eat now? I'm hungry" I said excited. He looked at me like I am a psychopath. Well I was. And I enjoyed the dead body on the ground. The guard opened my cell door and led me to the dining room. I walked in and saw Jerome sitting with some other strange looking guys. He didn't saw me because his back was in my view. But I saw his fire red hair. I looked over the room searching for a empty table as I saw a woman with blonde curled hair who read a magazine. I walked to her and sat next to her. She looked at me and said happy "Oh finally a girl. I thought I was the only woman in here." She held her hand out and said "Barbara Kean" I shaked her hand and said "Alison Walter." "What ya in for?" I asked excited for her answer. "Killing my parents. You?" she said and continued reading her magazine. "I killed my boyfriend" I said and felt good. I thought I could trust her, she was nice. "Your Boyfriend? Nice kid. I like you." As she said that I noticed that Jerome was staring at me. And Barbara noticed that too. "You have a admirer." She said and laughed. I smiled at her comment. "No he's just a friend." I said smiling at her. She wiggled with her eyebrows at me. "No he's really just a friend." I said laughing.

A hot one.

Agreed. I thought he looked pretty hot. He talked to this Sionis guy from earlier and then stood up and walked to our table. He sat down at the opposite of us. "Hi gorgeous. I'm Jerome." Looks like he said that to a lot of girls. I thought at that moment. "Keep moving ginger" Barbara said annoyed still reading her magazine. I smirked as she said that. "Just being polite." He said a little bit angry. He looked at me and into my eyes. I felt a little bit strange at that moment. After a moment he then looked back at Barbara. "You see that handsome guy who look at you like you're​ fried chicken? Richard Sionis. He's a billionaire. He have a house, some cars and a helicopter and killed twenty-two people. Just for fun." He said and laughed at the end. "So what?" Barbara asked. "So... He want to be your friend." He said while he took his hands on the table. "No" Barbara said determined. "You know you need a friend in here. The guards and the inmates doesn't care about you." He said and looked at me. "He's right Barbara." She looked at me and asked me. "And who's your friend in here?" I looked at Jerome and he said smirking "That's me." I smiled at him. He was super cute when he smiled. Barbara looked at us and smiled. "Ya. Friends." She said and I rammed my elbow into her side. I was so mesmerized from his eyes I didn't looked somewhere else. Barbara talked to a strange looking guy who then walked away. I stopped staring at him as he said "You're bad. Your friend is a monster but my friend can get you things" he said and smiled. "What kind of things?" Barbara asked interested. Jerome smiled and stood up he winked at me and walked back to the table with his friends. He said something to Richard as he stood up and walked to Barbara. They both walked away and sat at a table where they could talk alone. Great. Alone again. Jerome walked over to me and asked "Do you want to eat something?" I nodded and he walked away. A few moments later he came back with two plates. He placed one in front of me and then sat down next to me. I begun to eat because I hadn't eat since the past day. "How are you?" He asked with a calming voice which calms me instantly. "I'm ok. A little bit uncomfortable. But ok" I said and continued eating. I looked to Barbara who still talked to Richard. Jerome and I finished eating as he said "I like you Alison" he had a naughty grin while he said that. In his surroundings I felt very well. I grinned evil and said "I like you too Jerome." We stared at each other for a few seconds as the guards appeared and screamed "Times over." I stood up and walked to the guards. I could feel that Jerome still looked at me. Someone took my wrist I turned around and saw Jerome. "I don't want you go alone" he said worried. We walked to the guards. He took my hand and I didn't pulled away. "I go with her" he said determined. The guard didn't look at him. "You can't" he said and rolled his eyes. "Oh I can" Jerome answered with an evil grin. The guard looked at him and said then "Valeska." He looked worried when he said that. I thought they knew who killed they colleagues. He let us out and Jerome held strong my hand. We walked through the floor and we stopped at my cell. He took out a key and opened my cell. He smiled at me. "I don't know anything about you Jerome." I said and smiled back. We walked into my cell and we sat down on my bed next to each other. He still was holding my hand. "What do you want to know gorgeous?" He asked and I felt how I blushed. He smirked as he saw it. I didn't feel strange sitting here with him. A little bit uncomfortable but not that bad. "What you in for?" I asked him. His face tourned from happy to evil and I felt that he pressed my hand more firmly. "I killed my mother." He said with anger in his eyes. "Can I ask you why?" He nodded and answered "She was a whore. She slept every night with another man from the circus. And she beated me. Hardly." I felt sad for him. "I'm sorry Jerome." I said and stroke his shoulder. He looked at me and begun to smile again. "And you?" He asked and I felt how my stomach turned. "I killed my boyfriend" I said and looked down. He lifted my chin with his fingers up and said "Now I'm jealous." I smiled a fake smile at him and he knew it was fake. "What's​ wrong?" "It's nothing." I said sad. "Alison. You can trust me. Really." he said and I looked into his gorgeous eyes. "I killed him because he... He raped me." I said and begun to shake at the thought of it. He pulled me instantly into a hug. "Alison. It's ok." I calmed down as he said that. "Do you want me to go?" He asked and pulled away. My eyes filled with tears. I nodded and continued crying. He stood up looked at me and said "I'm always here for you." He then walked away. I felt weird. I felt lonely. I laid on my bed and cried for about an hour. Until I cried myself into sleep.

King and Queen [Jerome Valeska]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt