Chapter 12: The Android Amazo

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Edited On: 5/15/2021

This is Season 1 Episode 5: Schooled, starting about halfway through the episode.

I was walking down Gotham minding my own business when I saw a teenager wearing a red and black sort of tracksuit jump through the air angrily toward the train.

Which was kinda weird if this wasn't Gotham. But I knew that Robin and Batman were out right now and probably had either no idea or were on their way.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to make sure they stay safe would it?

Blinking to make sure I did just see that teenager fly through the air from some sort of Super-Punch, I look toward the broken train.

There, just flying out of the hole was a mechanical man that, if my information was correct, was Amazo, one of Professor Ivo's recent creations.

I only heard about the machine from The Light briefly before I left.

Shaking my head as my thoughts started to drift a bit, I quickly changed into my assassin outfit which I actually loved. Not for what it stood for, but rather how hidden I was in them.

I quickly leaped from roof to roof and followed the slow Android that was heading toward Dick's school. Now that's just weird and I quickly hurried and watched from the windows above the bleachers ready to help if need be.

I clenched the long metal pole in my hands, my new favorite weapon of choice right now, and quietly watched in case I had to help out.

I watched as Amazo used the league's powers against my brother and his friends and I felt anger spike in me.

Quickly sliding into the building, I went onto the pillars that were all along the roof and watched for an opening.

I watched as Robin dodged one of Amazo's attacks and how Kid Flash tried to sneak up on him, only to be in a tight grip that used Superman's strength.

Knowing if I didn't act quickly or Kid Flash would be seriously hurt, I quickly leaped from my place and watched as Amazo quickly said 'Martian Manhunter' and turned invisible.

Freeing Kid Flash and making me tumble through the android. I rolled through my stunt and ended up crouched beside Robin.

"You okay?" he asked quickly and to the point as he fingered one of his Bird-A-Rangs.

"Never better," I said, twirling my metal pole a little. I was surprised when Kid Flash pushed both Rob and me away when Amazo tried to heat vision us.

I quickly turned and stood in front of Robin and Kid Flash as they tried to catch their breath from the fight.

Just as the Amazo was about to pull a Black-Canary stunt, a green arrow went through the air and Amazo quickly turned invisible.

Catching just a brief hint of green, I let it slide and watched as Superboy quickly went after Professor Ivo.

"Great. He's gone ballistic again," Kid Flash said looking worried at their friend.

"Maybe not," Robin replied and I instantly followed his train of thought.

I watched as Professor Ivo quickly told him, "Amazo, protect your master. Priority alpha."

I quickly smothered a grin as Rob pushed the professor away from two mechanical monkeys, which I quickly destroyed just in case.

When Kid Flash was thrown toward the stands, I watched Robin throw a Bird-A-Rang toward Amazo, who quickly turned invisible.

But when he tried to become solid again, Superboy was there and had his fist in his face which quickly exploded.

Amazo fell over quickly after that and Robin ran over there while telling the others, "Help me disassemble him now!"

"Dude, the guy has no head," Kid Flash told Dick.

"Better be safe than sorry," I replied back softly and helped Robin disassemble it.

I watched as the other two members of Dick's team came and made sure Kid Flash and Superboy were alright.

I stayed quiet as the team reunited. That was until Aqualad stepped forward and held his hand out to me.

Hesitantly, I shook his hand. "Thank you for your assistance. Who exactly are you?" he asked with authority but nicely.

I shrugged my shoulders because I didn't actually have a name. Superhero name or a real name that I go by.

"Wait, you were that chick that was watching Superboy when he first woke up," Kid Flash said in surprise.

My mouth thinned underneath the cloth that hid my lower face. "What were you doing there?" Aqualad asked, this time tenser and less trustworthy.

I just stared at him silently, knowing that I didn't exactly have a few good answers. If I replied that I was on a mission they would ask what mission and then I would have to explain my background. A background that I would rather not divulge.

Instead, I turned to Superboy. "I hope you are feeling better," I told him softly.

I saw him stare at me, slightly confused but nodded all the same. I blinked when I felt several presences outside the school and knew that the league had come for Amazo.

"I need to go," I told them I used one of the smoke pellets that I grabbed off of Robin earlier. I multi-tasked knowing this would most likely happen.

Just before I could escape out through the doors, I felt a hand grab around my wrist. Looking back I saw Robin there with a sort of pleading expression.

"Tomorrow, 12 o'clock, Bibbo's Diner," Robin quickly told me before reluctantly letting my wrist go and went back toward his team.

Shaking off the sudden nerves I had, I quickly ran outside and toward the general area I knew Roy was staying the night.

It seemed I was crashing with him tonight again. Because tomorrow, it seems I have a meeting I need to go to.

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