Chapter Three

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"What did he say to you?" Cade questioned Lola, picking up his speed to catch up with her.

"He said if I didn't join the Rebellion he'd put me right back into a labor camp." Lola growled, speed-walking through a long hallway. "I don't want to be here."

"I don't either, but if we refuse to stay, those creatures will hunt us down! Don't you understand?" Cade said, now walking along side of her.

"I do understand." Lola sighed, continuing to walk before walking straight into Blade, almost knocking him over.

He caught her by her shoulders and prevented her from falling, "careful there." He smirked, pushing her back up.

Lola just glared, with Cade staring at her, Blade as well.

After a moment of silence, Blade cleared his throat, "Anyways... let's get to the ship." Blade said before walking forward.

"Wait! No, you have to explain to me what we're doing first." Lola growled, refusing to go on.

"I'll explain to you later, princess." Blade rolled his eyes, motioning for the both of them to come toward.

Lola took a deep breath, and began to walk forward, Cade following.


Dakota sat in a small room awaiting for her meeting with either Alex or some high in power monster. The walls were painted bright red, which just added to the headache she was getting. Dakota knew that what was going to go down in this room wasn't going to be positive, and she would most likely be removed from her title as, "leader of the camp".

The door opened, and Dakota swirled her chair around, and looked straight into the pure white eyes of the cold hearted shapeshifter.

"Two filthy creatures being distributed in one day. This camp needs to get its shit together." Alex muttered to herself as she walked swiftly to Dakota.
"Anyways, let's get this over with." Alex sat down in the chair across from her.
"I'm giving you two choices. Continuing serving for Taselway as a low class slave, or be transferred to a prison." Alex said flatly.

"I-i'll stay here." Dakota stuttered.

"Wonderful. Now that that's cleared up, get out." Alex growled, standing up from her chair. Dakota didn't have to be told twice, she jumped up, and shuffled quickly out the door.

The Rebellion

Blade led the two to a small, narrow room filled with targets, punching bags, and other fighting material.

"All new recruits must go through a training tutorial." Blade sighed, flipping a small switch to turn on the bright light.

"You've already seen both our fighting skills." Lola growled, crossing her arms.

"It's a requirement." Blade fired back, "anyways, who wants to go first?" He looked at the two of them.

"I will." Cade said quietly.

Blade handed him a small gun and gestured for him to go forward. He clicked a button and targets began moving back and fourth.

Cade aimed the gun, smirked to himself, and slowly pushed down on the trigger.

Lola watched, leaning against the wall, Blade next to her.

Cade narrowed his eyes and pulled the trigger, and everything seemed to go in slow motion for him, and with only two shots, he took out four of the moving targets. He turned to Blade and Lola, Lola stood in shock while Blade just nodded.

Cade edged toward Lola, handing the gun back to Blade and leaning coolly against the wall next to Lola.

For the year and a half they had been together, Lola never saw what Cade was capable of. She had always thought he since he didn't like fights he was no good at violence. Cade seemed proud of himself, but he didn't say anything.

"You're up, Lola." Blade signaled, throwing the gun up in the air to her.

She walked to the moving targets, standing straight up. She cocked and aimed the gun, quickly taking out 6 with 3 shots.

She handed the gun back to Blade, quickly heading back to Cade, still shocked at his skill.


Angel was transported to a dark, empty room. She sat in silence, boredom filling her mind. These last few days, she had done absolutely nothing but starve, and after a while that had gotten boring. She had tried to keep herself entertained by exploring the small room when there was enough light. The door was jammed shut as well as all the windows.

A creature would come by every two days allowing her to eat, and this was how it was going to be for the rest of her life. Or, at least, she thought.

After her quick talk with the intimidating Alex, Dakota no longer wanted to be at Taselway. All her life, she allowed the monsters to control her, and force her to abuse her fellow humans.

During her time as camp leader, she had learned many dark secrets about Taselway. Secrets that only Alex and closely trusted monsters were supposed to know. Not even the leader of the operation, Amon knew. Dakota had found out by overhearing Alex and some creature communicating. Those secrets were hybrids. Hybrids were a mistake, and they were never supposed to be created. Most were wiped out, but one remains. Dakota occasionally saw this one hybrid around the camp attending to her jobs, and often caught the hybrid watching the humans as if she was studying them at a zoo.

Dakota sat on a rusted bench, thinking about this hybrid, that's when she heard the intimidating voice of Alex.

"And the hybrid?" Dakota heard Alex ask, her voice muffled thanks to the thick door.

"It is alive." Another voice said, and Dakota heard footsteps. She quickly turned and hid behind a wall, hoping not to be noticed by the two monsters. Luckily, Alex and the other creature continued talking and walked down the hallway of Taselway.

Dakota assigned a mission to herself;
recuse the hybrid.

The Rebellion

After a few more hours of training, the group was finally finished.

"Can't we just attack the monsters? What's up with all of this training?" Cade asked for the sixth time as the three of them walked down the hall.

"For the last time, multiple organizations have fought them before." Blade growled.

"And what happened?" Cade questioned.

"Let's just say they were wiped off the face of our planet." Blade snarled, picking up the pace.

Lola looked to Cade, shrugged, and caught up with Blade.


It was sometime early in the morning. Angel couldn't keep track of time, but all she knew was that a creature would check up on her everyday at 5:00 pm. It had been multiple hours since then. She sat in the dark, cold, empty room, bored once again. She began to tremble, dreading the room she was being forced to stay in. The thought of being alone for her whole life scared her. It wasn't her fault she was a hybrid, it was Alex's fault. She damned an entire species. Angel began to cry. She had never felt these emotions before, since no monsters do, but Angel was experiencing human emotion. She thought she was done for, until she heard a large bang on the door, it swung open violently.

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