Tonight With Jimmy

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Fiona was coming onto the tonight show to promote her new book and to catch up with jimmy who was a very close friend.

Her husband Justin was best friends with him so he has become one of her best friends as well.

Justin was off on tour for the 20/20 experience album so she has not seen him about three weeks but was going to see him in another two weeks. She was very excited to him and so was their son, tanner who had just turned one last month and Justin was able to fly home just in time for his party.

"Everyone please welcome my first guest tonight, she is very close friend of mine Fiona Timberlake!"

Fiona walked out from behind the curtain and was met with cheering and a smiling jimmy to her left. She walked up to him and they hugged, she waved to the crowd before sitting down and waiting for the interview to start.

"Hey Fiona!"

"Hi jimmy!" She said once the crowd has settled down

"How's the husband?"

"I mean he's Justin, but good I guess I haven't seen him about three weeks and he isn't going to be home for another two weeks" he frowned

"He was on the show last week when he had his show in New York why couldn't you come? Have you seen one of his shows?!"

"Our son was sick and I wanted to be here but couldn't, I have I have seen a couple"

"They are just amazing!"he exclaimed and he looked over at her but his gaze was fixed on something behind him

Fiona turned around and there was Justin, she runs over to him and jumped into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her tight as he carried her back over to where Jimmy was sitting. He set her down so he could give Jimmy a hug but sat right back down next to her after they hugged

"Did I surprise you?" Jimmy asked

"You two, you got me!" Fiona smiled

"How's the son?"

"We have a son" Justin exclaimed he looked over at his wife

"He's amazing" he said with a big proud smile and Fiona agreed

"He's the most awesome kid"

"He's hilarious" Justin added

"Is he walking?"

"You kidding he has a track meet tomorrow!" Justin said

Jimmy laughed, "does he have any music talent, he must get some from you?"

"He dances around the house" Fiona said

"He can keep up with all the words to can't stop the feeling, because that will be the only song of mine he will be listening to for the time being" Justin said with a laugh and Jimmy giggled

"Justin Justin" Jimmy put his hand out and Justin made a fist and Jimmy put his hand over Justin's.

"Is this our thing now?" Jimmy nodded with a laugh

"Fiona the book is amazing!"

"Why thank you!!" Fiona smiled and she could feel her husband looking at her

"Justin you want to perform?" Jimmy asked him and all three of you knew that he was planned to perform but the audience didn't know that yet

Justin got up and then band was revealed from behind the curtain playing the beginning of can't stop the feeling. Justin grabbed the mic and started signing

He got to the end and came over to Fiona and grabbed her hand and pulled her out to where he was performing and danced with her for the rest of the song until it ended. He wrapped his arm around Fiona's waist as jimmy came up and shook Justin's hand and gave them both a hug

"My thanks to both Justin and Fiona Timberlake! Have a great night!" He signed off and we all waved into the camera

"Who's ready for pizza!" Jimmy yelled at the roots and at Justin's band and they all cheered and there Fiona, jimmy, Justin, and both the roots and the Tennessee kids were off to a great night with tons of pizza.

Idk what that ending was.
RIP Jonathan Demme🙏
Picture from JT's Instagram post today..
80s90sTeen this image is for you! Hope you enjoyed! Give her a follow if you don't already she is so cool!
Well till next time!
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