Chapter 2

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I walk through the hallways trying to find my class when someone taps me on the shoulder..

"Hi!" Says a peppy looking girl with a smile on her face

"Uhh hi"
" are you lost?" She questions me
"Yeah im new here"
"Let me see your schedule"
"Okay" i say handing her the schedule

"Oh your in my class! Follow me" as she grabs my hand

We walk into what it looks as a bio room and the teacher tells me where to sit. As i look for my seat i see that my seat is next to that kid justin.

I walk over and take my seat next to him.

"Hi again" he says giggling
"Hi" as i smile back

The bell rings and hour later

I get up about to walk away

"Hey um corra ?" Justin says
"Im havin a party tonight you wanna come?"

"Sure where is it?"
"345 south west ave"
"Okay i will try to find it" i smile to him
"Great see you there dress nice" he walks out

The girl who walked me to class comes up to me
"Hey im going to that party too we can go together if you want"
"Ok but i dont even know your name" i smirk to her

"The names tiffany"
" oh okay well heres my number(hands her a piece of paper with phone number on it)"

"Ok see ya later!" She says and walks out

I walk home and tell my mom about the party im surprised shes letting me go i go upstairs to my closet and pick black leggings with a black crop top that has red lips all over it and my black boots. I do my makeup and straighten my hair and put red lipstick on to match my shirt. I walk outside and get in my car.

"Okay now to find the damn place" i say to myself

I use my phone to look up the address and start driving. A few minutes later i approach a big house with loud music and teens everywhere. I get out of my car and start walking towards the house

" hey corra!" Tiffany says running up to me
" hey you" i say
" this is my boyfriend harry" pointing to him
" hi im harry, harrry styles" he says shaking my hand

" hello im corra" i say back shaking his hand
" well lets go in the party" tiffany says

We walk into the house and i notice people looking at me like i was from another planet or something then i see justin

"Hey guys glad you could make it" he says

"Great party bro!" Says harry

"Thanks man" says justin

"Well harry lets go get some beer" tiffany says pulling him with her

Justin looks at me "so corra do you like the crib?" Smiling at me

"The crib?" I giggle

"Yeah haha is that wrong? He says giggling

"No" i say smiling

"Let me show you upstairs" he says pulling my hand

We go up the stairs and to the right where i see a door with many stickers on it and a sign that says justins room no dicks aloud.

" thats an interesting sign" i giggle

" yeah its a joke" he says back

We go into his bedroom. I look around picking up things with interest

"Your parents must have alot of money" i say

" no its actually my dads money, my mom left me when i was 3" he looks down

" oh im sorry, my dad is in jail" i say back

"For what?"

"He tried to kill my mom and me" i said sadly

"Oh damn" he says surprised


"Well i would never try to kill you" he says smiling

"Thanks" i giggle

" your very beautiful corra"

"Awe thanks" i blush

"Your very welcome" he says walking towards me

He rests his hand on my cheek,and start to lean in

"Uhh justin what are you doing ?" I say comfused

" trying to kiss those beautiful lips"

He leans in and kisses me. I was so amazed of the softness and warmth of his lips and touch that i almost forgot we had just met that day and i was already kissing him.

"Justin stop" i say pulling away

"Whats wrong"

"We just met dont you think this is going to fast?"

" sorry you dont even like me do you?" He says upset

"No its not that its just we.." He cuts me off

"Just met.. I know" he says walking out of the room

I left the party after that and went home, i lay in bed staring at the cieling thinking about justins pefect body,hair,smile, just everything and think about how i ruined what we could of had.

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