Chapter 4

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The next morning.....

I arrive at school hoping to see justin but theres no sign of him i walk to class hoping to see him,still nowhere...

I walk up to tiffany

"Hey have you seen justin?" I asked

"No sorry" she says

"Hey harry have you seen justin?"

"No sorry"

I was beginning to worry and get scared. What if something happened to him? What if he doesnt want to see me? What did he have to tell me? So many fucking questions running through my mind but no answers.

In a panic i leave school and get in my car and drive to his house frantically trying to call him on my way there... No answer

I arrive at his house and knock on the door his dad answers

"Hi mr bieber is justin home?" I asked

"No who are you and shouldnt you be in school?" He said angrily

"Im corra, ..... His uhh friend"

I said friend because im not sure what to call us i want more than anything to be his.

"Well sorry hes not here now go away"

" look sir im just worried..." I get cut off

" listen i dont know where he is now get your ass off my doorstep now!"

"Okay you dont have to be an asshole sir i will leave" i said walking away

I got in my car, i slammed my head against my hands that were on the steering wheel as i started crying...

My phone went off it was a text....

Justin: hey sorry to ignore your calls i will explain everything meet me at the park i have a suprise for you love you ;)

How could he? After all the worrying and being bitched at he pulls this shit on me? Does he even love me or is he just playing games?

I drive to the park angrily and frustrated. Its almost sunset by now and i see justin standing by a tree holding a rose.

I walk over to him

" what the fuck were you thinking?! I was worried sick about you!..i "

He puts his finger on my lips trying to get me to be quiet

" look corra im sorry but its all gonna be worth it i promise come this way" he says

We walk down a path leading into the woods i see lights hanging from the trees and a picnic blanket with food and wine

" whats all this?" I asked curiously

"Well we have been seeing eachother for about a week now and i wanna ask you something"

He gets down

"Will you corra jones please be my girlfriend?" He says nervously

I think for a moment is it to soon? Does he really mean it? Will he treat me right? I go with what i know

" yes of course i will" as i hug him

We kiss and he leads me over to the blanket he stares into my eyes with his deep blue eyes and amazing smile i cant help but fall in love at that moment, we start kissing and it soon leads to having sex in the park

It was the most amazing experience in my life.

Later that night....

"Well i should go home" i say sadly

"Yeah you need rest for school" justin says


"Goodnight baby" he smiles

We kiss each other goodnight and i start to walk to my car when justin runs up to me

"Wait babe!"

" what is it justin" i giggle

"I forgot to say i love you"

"Awe i love you too"

I kiss him once more and get into my car.

I get to my house and see harry sitting on my front steps.

I walk over to him...

"Hey harry what are you doing here?"

"Me and tiffany broke up" he says with tears in his eyes

"Oh no im so sorry what happened?"

"She just wasnt into it anymore i guess"

" awe" i hug him "everything will be okay "

" i guess. Sorry for coming here to bother you i just thought you were the only one to understand"

" oh no harry its ok im here for you"


I sit next to him and we talk all night and i allow him to sleep in the living room of my house since his parents were out of town.

Its 4:30 AM i hear a knock at my bedroom door and it wakes me up i get up and open it

" oh hey harry whats up?" I say rubbing my eyes

"I cant sleep" he says

"Why whats wrong"

" i cant stop thinking about tiffany we were together for a year i loved her" he says putting his head down

" harry can we talk about this in the morning?"

" no i need to try something" he steps closer to me

Oh no i hope hes not about to kiss me im with justin now and he just got over a breakup i cant do this but at the same time he is so good looking with tattoos like jutsin has but harry has a lip piercing and curly brown hair and beautiful brown eyes i cant resist.

He puts his hand on my cheek and kisses my neck

The feeling is so amazing with his piercing i bite my lip and push him away after i realize what im doing

" whats wrong?" He asks

" harry im with justin now and you just broke up with tiffany"

" oh im terribly sorry i didnt know and i know.... Im just... Confused"

" its ok"

" i should go" he grabs his coat and walks out the front door

" harry wait!" I say

But it was to late he drove off to fast for me to catch him

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