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ayO, it's ash here, tbh it's been ages since I've been on lucy's account, so here i am lmao.

so i know when i normally go on lucy's account i act like an idot, but this time im gonna try to be serious. I'm not gonna joke about dick or anything like that this time.

also this is gonna be cringey so-

i love lucy so much. you don't even understand. she makes me so soft and i JUST-

she's one of the best things that have ever happned to me.

she always knows how to make me smile or laugh, and ah i love it so much.

and i know how fucking cheesy this sounds, but tbh I'm not me without lucy.

i would stay up all night if it meant that i could talk to lucy, even if it was only an hour, it would be worth it.

and next month we will have been together for three months and ahh its makes me so happy i can't even explain it oh my god.

three months isn't even that long but- I'm so happy with it.

okay i guess I'll go now,

i lOve you so much lucy, never forget it.

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