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Briars pov
Life sucks I'm 3.5  months pregnant and right now life is crazy . I go to school work a part time job that pays me like 8.45 a hour and I work 4 hours a day so I have till I'm six months pregnant to work and get everything for this baby and in case your asking no I haven't spoken to Myles and yet all he can do is tweet about me like when I got my first sonogram Shelby took a photo of me and the sonogram and I posted but Myles had to repost it saying " miss slut and a baby let's watch how this turns out " he's jerk I mean this kid is his and he doesn't give a damn but never mind him my and my child matter more but right now I'm getting ready to go to work the girls usally come by and hang for a bit so work doesn't suck but sadly it will soon I'm going to have to get a second job to be able to get a car cause I will not walk with a baby in the winter not bc I don't like bc my baby could get a freaking COLD so I'll have to find a good job but for right now if I did my caculations right I will at least have 7,000 dollars which if I'm right I need 3x that amount to manage my baby for one yr but I mean I already have it kind of figured out I will still continue school but luckily my baby is due June 1st so I'll have all summer and it will already be 3 months so Yh but my babysitter is shelbys mom which is a stay at home mom and offered me to watch the baby which I happily execpted and I will be paying her but not 300 dollars like only 85 dollars a week which isn terriable but I still need more money but anyways I'm at work time to think work which equals money which equals more baby stuff I walk in the diner " hey billy " " hey Bri how the baby " " good I just have to wait 2 more weeks to know if boy or girl " I say happily " I want it to be a boy " " really why billy " " bc I want to teach him how to flip patties " " you could do that even if it was a girl " " Yh I guess your right anyways table over there looks like a big tipper he flirts a lot to so tell him you pregnant but just go " " go it billy " I walk over to the guy he looks Simmlair " hi how can help you my names briar and I will be you Waitress today  " i say smiling " all have you sit down when you bring me a chocolate milkshake " he say smirking ugh great it's Myles " Oh sir I'm sorry I have to go back to work you see I have a baby on the way that I have to take care of on my on thanks to so people " I say faking a smile " that's why I'm here we need to talk about are kid I mean when do I get to see him " " Myles no you can't see this kid you talk trash about both of us you need to leave us alone when I told you you called me a slut then said it's not yours you can defiantly are going no where near my child " i say walking away he gets up" b I'm sorry can't we talk about what happened " " no we can't Myles you were fine with saying all the things o you said about me and my kid but now all the sudden you care " I say loudly luckily it got Billy's attention " b is there a problem " " yes billy you know about my child deadbeat dad " " yay " " that's him " " really sir we need you to leave we don't sreve deadbeat dads or douches " " what that doesn't make sense let me talk to you briar please " Myles begs " fine but not now this is my job meet me at my house at 7:00 " " got it see you then " he leaves billy walks up to me " that jackass " " Yh I know oh here comes the girl " " oh I call dibs telling them what happened " " sndksj go a head billy

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