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Yeah, it wil get sad again, but for now it's happy!

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You decide that human music, for the most part, sucks. One quarter is too loud and sometimes you swear the humans are screaming in it. The rest of it is about love, sappy or otherwise. That doesn't stop you from listening to it, though. If only your friends could see you now, listening to these sappy love songs. Speaking of which, another starts up. You've heard it a few times- another bad thing about human music, they always play the same music on the radio.

/One foot in front of the other

Keep breathing just like they taught you/

You turn it off and stand up. John's in the kitchen and is probably about to prank you as soon as you walk in (you'll get him back later), but you head towards it anyway. Various noises greet you as you walk through the door, as well as the sight of John holding bowls of popcorn, a big jug, blankets, and a big stack of movies. He grins at you.

"I thought we could watch some movies."

/You politely asked to take a walk with me/

"Some movies." You examine the teetering pile. All Nic Cage. "Sounds perfect." With a smile, you grab two cups for whatever John has created and follow him to his living room. He dumps everything on a table, grabs the first dvd, and sets to getting everything ready. You sit on the couch and cover yourself in blankets, soon he joins you.

/I would've married you there underneath the trees/

You snuggle up against him and rest your cheek on his shoulder. Your mind drifts to when you first came across each other and laid down in the snow outside.

/Is it real, this thing?/

John drapes an arm around your waist and rests his cheek against the top of your head.

/Is it real, ooh, this thing?/

The movie starts and Nicolas Cage's godly face fills the screen, though you think now you actually prefer John's. Not that Nic Cage isn't gorgeous, of course. No one with such beautiful blue eyes and lovely hair could ever be unattractive. Or with his face. Or voice. Or acting skills.

/I could make you happy/

You cuddle into John more and try to focus on the movie. You swear you can feel how relaxed he's feeling, though that might just be from your powers, and you don't want to disturb him.

/I could make you love me/

The movie reaches a part where the filmmakers had the audacity to not have Nic Cage in centre stage for a few minutes and John grabs one of the bowls of popcorn. You watch on as he grins at you and throws a piece in the air, then tries to catch it in his mouth.

/I could disappear completely/

He misses it and the popcorn lands somewhere behind the couch. you chuckle fondly.

/I could be your love song/

He offers you the bowl- an obvious challenge. You've never been one to decline one and, despite having never done this before, you grab a piece.

"Get ready to be beaten, Egbert." After making a big show of getting ready, you throw it up in the air and... it hits you squarely in the nose. John falls off the couch laughing and you pelt him with popcorn.

/I could be long gone/

Eventually he climbs back up and scoops you into a hug, before kissing the top of your head. You grumble quietly, but can't stay mad at him. He's just too adorable.

The Happiest Johnvris EverWhere stories live. Discover now