heck i am so sorry, but w8 there's more

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You look at the boy sitting across from you in disbelief, because apparently Nic Cage isn't his favourite actor. You just can't wrap your brain around it, because who else is better than Nic Cage? Besides John, of course. Oblivious to your newfound concern for his mental health, he shrugs and gives you a grin.

"Matthew McConaughey is simply better." You shake your head.

"If you weren't my matesprit, I would be-" You're broken off by a loud shattering noise coming from outside. John's immediately at his feet and heading towards the window. You follow suit.

At a glance, everything looks normal. Until you notice the light seems to have changed colour and that there are giant cracks in the sky. John seems to have no idea what they are; your guess would be no better than his. You both stand there for a while, watching smaller cracks branch off of them.



"I was meaning to ask you, want to go out today? There's a cafe nearby, you couldn't have seen it as it's from my memories" He's obviously trying to distract the both of you from whatever was happening, so you nod.

"They better have something hot."

His grin returns and he laces his fingers with yours.

"But nothing could compare to your hotness!" You laugh and wonder what you'd do without him.

Admittedly, the walk starts off a bit awkwardly as you both try to ignore the sky, but soon he has you laughing until you're gasping for air- as usual. His "stupidy stupidy stupid" glasses with the big nose on them never fail to make you crack up and once you arrive, he opens the door for you with them still on. So you shake your head at him and brush past, before carefully selecting a seat near the middle of the room. Away from the windows. He soon joins you and some imagined up waiter brings you both hot chocolates. You take a sip of yours, but end up spitting it out as you see him still wearing those glasses.

"John!!!!!!!!" He almost falls off his seat laughing, before captchaloguing the glasses and allowing you both to drink in peace.

You make idle chit chat which- aside from a few small cracking noses that sound from outside- is uninterrupted.You're onto your third hot chocolate when there's a huge boom from outside. John's immediately up and out of his seat. Within seconds he's outside and staring up as pieces of the sky fall down around you, flattening the houses around you. You can see the black of space against the multicoloured cracks. You haven't felt scared in a while, thanks to being dead, but now you definitely do... Not that you're going to admit it of course, though at the rate the sky's falling you'll never have the chance to. But perhaps nothing will happen! You're dead, it's not like you could die again. You look back at the cafe, but it's gone. No chance of hiding in there and pretending everything's alright.

You end up standing next to him, perhaps a step away. The piece of sky above you begins to fall, the piece to wide to escape from. He looks at you and holds out his hand. You stare at him, eyes stinging with tears you're trying to hold back- so much for not seeming scared.

"Hey, Vris? Today was nice, I really enjoyed it." He smiles at you and you can't help but stare into his pale white eyes. Tear filled pale white eyes. You're both scared out of your minds, so you kiss him because this is the last time you'll ever be able to do so and you want your last thoughts to be of him.

So with your tears- and his- glistening on your cheeks, you grab his hand and stare up at the sky as it falls down around you.

And, at long last, onto you.

The Happiest Johnvris EverWhere stories live. Discover now