§ Our Dream §

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For those of you that care, I have been working on my book The Creatures and I'm gonna try to have chapter 1 up soon, but I just didn't feel like writing it rn because I had this idea stuck in my head lol. If you want to make a request you can, but tbh I'm just talking to myself at this point. (PS this fanfic is based on back when the guys lived in the creature house)

       James shuts the door to his bedroom and slumps down a little, pressing his back against the wood. "I don't fucking get it! The only reason I agreed to moving into this damn house with everyone was because I felt lonely and now that I'm here literally nothing has changed!" He mutters to himself angrily, stomping over to his bed. He lazily undresses and changes into his pajamas, flopping onto his bed. The late night stream had really taken a toll on him. Despite James' unhappy state, his tiredness overpowers him and he falls asleep in a heartbeat.

       James finds himself in an unfamiliar living room, slightly confused. He feels the soft couch, noticing the strange, cow skin pattern. He then looks around the room to see a nice fireplace and a large tv with several game consoles around it.
       As he admires the living room, he hears a noise come from the other room. Intrigued, James gets up from the comfortable chair and heads to the room, finding himself in a kitchen. His eyes wonder around the room until they land on a beautiful man around his age, running his hands along the kitchen counter. "H-Hello?" James stutters. The man jumps and turns his head to look at James, his eyes wide in surprise. "H-Hi there." The man greets nervously, unaware that he wasn't the only one in the house. "Do you know where we are?" James asks, admiring the nice kitchen. "I think I'm in a dream." The man states with his arms crossed. Realization hits James like a train. James had fallen asleep and he must be dreaming, and this guy must be his brain saying "fuck you" by showing him what he would interpret as the perfect boyfriend just to show him that he'll never get a real boyfriend.
       "So, um, what's your name?" James asks, curious as to who his brain created for him. "Aleksandr, but I usually go by Aleks." He replies. "Nice, I'm James." "So, if we're going to hang out until this dream ends, then I want to get to know you more." Aleks states, crossing his arms. Deciding not to tell him otherwise, James gestures to the living room. "You wanna talk in the living room? I saw a couple of interesting games in there if you want to play some." James offers with a smile. "Sure."
The two of them sit on the couch and pick a game, grabbing the controllers and turning on the TV. They decided to play Battle Block Theatre. The two of them talk throughout the introduction, laughing and cutting up. Once they get into the game, they mess around with each other, doing everything in their power to get the other killed. "Fuck you!" Aleks curses as his character responds at the checkpoint. "That's karma for last round!" James defends, laughing to the brink of tears. "Shut the fuck up, you ass!" He hisses angrily. "Make me, bitch!" James taunts.
"Alright." Aleks states before pausing the game. Confused, James turns to look at Aleks only to be tackled in a kiss. James gasps in shock and just lays there, unable to move as Aleks' tongue explores his mouth. Once Aleks is pleased, he gets off of him and unpauses the game and continues to playas if nothing happened. "Y-You just- You just kissed me!" James stutters, barely able to make words. "Yeah. I figured that if you disappear forever when I wake up, I'd make the most of it. I really like you. I just wish I could meet someone like you in real life." He explains, proceeding to murder James' character. "B-But I am real! You're the fake one!" James argues, sitting up. Aleks raises an eyebrow at him. "I am James Wilson! I grew up in Pennsylvania and I have one dog named Ein! I. Am. Real." James explains. Aleks juggles the thought around in his head for a moment before he gets an idea. "Have you heard of Pax East?" Aleksandr questions. "Yeah... My friends and I have a booth there." James draws out, unaware of where Aleks was going with this. "Good. If you're real, then I'll see you there. What's your booth called?" Aleks asks. James lets out a sigh as he leans his head back a little. "The booth is called Rooster Teeth but my group is allied The Creatures." James explains with what felt like false hope. "Alright, I'll see you there, but until then..." Aleks states before attacking his neck.

James sits behind the table with the guys, signing autographs and making small conversations with the fans. The thought of Aleks actually being here taunting him relentlessly. He's been having dreams with Aleks in that same house for a week now, and part of him actually believes that he might be real, but there's that one part of his mind that tells him how impossible it is. Nevertheless, James' eyes continue to search the perimeter in hope of seeing his dream boy. "Whatcha lookin' for, James?" Jordan asks, stealing James' attention. "Wha- Oh, uh. I was just... I'm waiting on someone." James sputters out. "Oohhhh~ Interesting!" Jordan teases, elbowing his rib cage. "Shut up." James growls. "Do we get to meet this mystery person?" Jordan asks, pestering James. "Maybe, if he even shows up." He says. "Ohhhh, so it's a guy?" Jordan smirks. James grits his teeth and lets out an angry huff, ignoring Jordan's question.
A few moments pass when a familiar face catches his eye. James stands up with a jerk, knocking his chair over. "Woah, James. What's wrong?" Dan asks, slightly worried. "H-Holy shit..." James mutters in disbelief. "Is it the mystery man?!" Jordan asks excitedly, following James' eyes. "A-Aleks?!" James calls out. He man turns and freezes when his eyes land on James. "James?!" Aleks calls, taken aback. Without warning, James hurries out of the booth, speed walking towards Aleks. Aleks runs over and tackles James in a hug. "You're actually real." Aleks mutters. "So are you." James replies. They stand there for a moment, until James leans in, Aleks following suit. Cheers and whistles echo from the booth where The Creatures and the fans stand. "I love you, Aleks." "I love you too, James."

In this oneshot, I made Aleks more of the dominant one even though most people see him as the sub. I like to write James as more of the sub, but I will switch it around sometimes.

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