§ I'll Catch You §

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Depressing shit ahead

       Aleks runs a hand through his messy hair, barely able to breath between his sobs. He can't take it anymore. He just can't. He's been searching and searching and searching for something to hold him up and keep him steady for so long, but everything seems to just topple over. He's like a table with only three legs, he can prop it up against a wall but every time a breeze passes by, it just falls over. Aleks is tired. He's tired of wishing. He's tired of hoping. He's tired of living. Aleks has struggled to find that extra leg to keep him up for so long, but he just can't find it.
       He's found himself in the dark. Not the kind of dark where you wear all black and pretend to be emotionless, but the kind without a light. The kind where everywhere you look, there's just darkness. He can't see, he can't feel, and he can't breathe. He's lost. It's like being stuck in a cold, dark room and not being able to find the light switch. No matter how much he feels around, he just can't find it. And he's tired. He's tired of searching for that one spark to build his fire. And that's exactly what he wrote on his notebook paper.
       Aleks stands on top of a building in the city of Colorado, taking in a sharp breath of the morning air. He makes sure his note his securely tucked into his pocket as he gazes down at the concrete below. Aleks closes his eyes tightly and turns around, holding his arms out before leaning back and letting himself fall.

       James walks down the sidewalk with his morning coffee in hand, minding his own business. James hears several gasps from the other side of the street and looks over to see a group of people all pointing in the same direction. He follows their fingers to see a boy falling from a large building. James goes into immediate panic, running through different ways to assess the situation in his head when he comes up with a really stupid one. James drops his coffee and darts over to the building, standing underneath the falling guy and holding his arms out. The man falls into his arms, unharmed. James lets out a sigh of relief, looking down at the boy.
       To his surprise, the boy shows a face of anger and jerks out of his grip. "What the fuck, man?!" The boy curses. "I just saved your ass, so I'd be a little more respectful!" James remarks, still shocked. "Well maybe I didn't want to be saved!" The boy growls through gritted teeth. James' breath hitches as the situation hits him like a train. He then looks the boy up and down, noticing a wrinkled up piece of paper in his pocket. James' expression softened as he gazes over to the boy, saddened by his intentions. The boy notices and looks away uncomfortably. "Why...?" James manages to say. Taken aback, the boy stays silent, unable to speak. James looks around and notices the watchful eyes of the people around them, beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable himself.
       "Hey, uh, why don't I take you to go get some coffee or something? My treat." James offers, taking a cautious step forward. The boy steps back, his eyebrow raised. "Why?" He asks weakly. James looks him in the eyes and notices large dark circles beneath them. "You look like you could use one..." James points out, choosing his words carefully. The boy hangs his head, contemplating the offer. "O-Okay." He stutters hesitantly. James slowly makes his way to the boy, gently taking his hand and leading him to the closest cafe.
       Once they get their drinks, they take a seat in he very corner of the shop. "My name is James... Do you mind telling me yours?" James starts, looking at the boy intently. "A-Aleksandr, but you can call me Aleks." Aleks mutters nervously. James nods in approval, flicking his straw around the cup. "That's a nice name, it suits you." James compliments, earning a small smile from Aleks. James smiles back, taking a sip of his drink. "Thank you..." Aleks murmurs whole-heartedly.
       James looks down at the wrinkled paper before making a bold move. "Um, do you think I could see that piece of paper for a second? I won't read anything on it if you don't want me to. I just want to see it for a second." James asks, gesturing to the note in his pocket. Aleks bites the inside of his lip reluctantly, but grabs the paper and slides it over to James. James flips the paper on its back and pulls out a pen, scribbling his name and his number before sliding it back over to Aleks. "If you ever need anything or just want someone to talk to, I'll be there." James states, placing the pen back in its rightful place. Aleks looks up at James with thoughtful eyes. "Thank you."


       Several years pass and the two become best friends, but one day, everything changes. James was just hanging out with his friend Joe, listening to him talk about Star Wars when he receives a text message. James grabs his phone to see that it's Aleks

Aleks-  Remember the day you gave me your number and you said that you'd be here if I ever needed anything?

James' chest tightens at the memory, but he texts back.

James-   Of course I do

Aleks-   Well I need you right now

James- Ok, where are you? I'll meet you there.

Aleks-   The building

       James pales, needing no more information to know what his friend was talking about. His phone falls from his hand, startling Joe. "Dude, you oka-" Joe starts, but James runs out the door before he can say anything else. James world begins to spin as he runs to his car and floors it, speeding down the road into the night.
       When James gets to the building, he climbs up to the roof to see none other than Aleks standing uncomfortably close to the edge. "Aleks!" James calls out, gaining the boys attention. Without another word, Aleks runs to James, holding him tightly. James hugs back, letting the boy cry into his chest. "Shh, it's okay. It'll all be okay." James coos, petting Aleks' head softly. Aleks just shakes his head, burying his face into the crook of James' neck.

       Aleks' head is spinning. He's fallen in love with his best friend, but he knows that his feelings aren't returned. And that is what has brought the two to the rooftop. Aleks clenches the back of James' shirt, gritting his teeth as he tries to calm himself down. He wants to die, but he knows that his friend would be sad and he can't bare to inflict that kind of pain on him, so Aleks did the only thing he could think of to help. He texted James. Now the two stand on the rooftop in the others embrace, completely still, afraid that if they moved or let go that the other would disappear forever.
       "James?" Aleks says, looking up at the man. "Yes, Aleks?" He says gently, rubbing circles in the boys back. "If I fell again, would you catch me?" He asks, his voice trembling. "Aleksandr Marchant the Third, no matter how many times you fall, I'll always be here to catch you. I'll catch you even if you don't want me to, and do you wanna know why?" James states. Aleks simply nods his head, unable to speak. "Because I love you and I care about you so much. I will never let you fall for as long as I live." James confesses, looking the boy in the eye.
       And just like that, all of the lights turn on. James has found the light switch for him. All the colors and the sounds all spring to life as he looks up at James' face in shock. James took Aleks' table and made it whole again. Aleks no longer needs a temporary fix because now he has one that will last a lifetime. James.
       James takes Aleks' surprised look the wrong way and begins to panic. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-." James apologizes, but Aleks cuts him off by pulling him down and planting a small kiss on his lips. "I love you too."

On a high note, I have another book out. It doesn't have any chapters yet, but it does have a book trailer that I worked my ass off to make, so check that out of you don't mind lol The book is called You're Not Alone. It sounds kinda depressing, but it's not. It's about superheroes n' shit, so it'll be more badass than sad. I plan on plugging in a sad backstory for Aleks, but not this kind of sad. The book will be more bottom!James, but I may add some parts in where James is more of a dominant figure. Idk why, but I just like imagining James as a power bottom.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 21, 2017 ⏰

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