Letter III: The Love of God and Goddess

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 I continue to pray for you, my friends. I pray that my writings are able to have a positive and enlightening impact on your life and your soul.

In my continual spiritual journey in these last few days, I have grown to increase my wisdom through the constant daily ritual of a walk through nature (with my walking staff), reading and learning more about Wicca, and meditating every night. I have found myself doing each activity for an average of an hour every day. The position in my life at this current moment allows me to spend such amount of time on my spiritual development, and I know this might be difficult to maintain as I progress on through my life, but I am grateful nonetheless for the time I do have to spend to accelerate my growth.

I had another revelation come to me yesterday. I cannot exactly recall when it came to me; it might have come during my reading or late at night, but I had a mental idea of the explanation of the God and Goddess.

Earlier, I spoke of there being One Supreme God instead of evoking on the dual idea of God and Goddess, which most of my fellow Wiccans believe. Because of my upbringing, I found it, at first, difficult accepting this idea of there being a duality in our deity. But after further meditation on it, I realized that, similar to the mystery of the Trinity, it is two gods in one, with separate characteristics and identity, but being so unified in their love, that they are, in essence, one. This is a reflection of the marital status and act where two people are so enraptured in love where they become one body and almost one being, without losing any of their individual traits or personalities. It truly is the great mystery in our time, but this example of love is our earthly representation of the love between God and Goddess, where they are, in essence, one.

Part of this great love was the creation of Earth, and the creation of life, along with the creation of celestial bodies and millions of things left undiscovered by us. This is the story of creation by our God and Goddess:

In the beginning, our Benevolent God and Beautiful Goddess were deeply in love. They were the only ones in existence, and they dwelt through the void and darkness in complete solitude. They were in total and complete peace. The only thing in existence was their presence that enveloped the darkness and void, as well as their strong bond and union to each other.

After a millennia or more to these Supreme Beings, as a gift, God gave our Loving Goddess the greatest gift he could bestow on her. He gave her the seed to create and implant life inside of her. Thus, our Loving Goddess infused the seed from God with her enchanted Beauty inside of her and created the world and everything that exists in it and outside of it. It was Her greatest joy to be able to create such a magnificent world, much to the most pleasant delight of God. With this act, their love for each other evermore increased, for now, they had a chance to share and spread that love to all of creation, for all of creation was born out of love, and all creation was formed by the nurture and care of our Mother with the smiling eyes of our Father.

This is how the universe was created. All things were created with such great wonder as to the power and prosperity of love. This is why life thrives on love, especially the love between a Mother and a Father, as well as the love from a Mother and a Father to their creation. This love is the gift from our Benevolent God and Loving Goddess to us, so that we can feel this great love for ourselves with another and share in this act of love with another.

Love is the greatest reason for our existence. It is our desire and destiny to love and be loved in such a powerful and captivating way. It is made more powerful by our willingness to participate in such a great love. This is when our whole intellect, soul, and body are encompassed with the great mystery of love, and we often feel like we are being elevated, like we are rising up to God and Goddess themselves, becoming closer to who they are and what we are destined to become. It is through this that we find our true meaning. It is through this that we find our true way. It is in this that we find our human perfection and completion. This is where we find Nirvana.

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