To my hero my mum

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You have to understand that this is a new phase in life for you and I'm telling you it will be okay.. Nothing is gonna change just challenges an obstacles in your life theres ups and Downs in life everything will be fine.. Just fight it it's just second day yes true and it's cause you have not a gotten used to it yet so calm down and think it thru do it for yourself for your family and for your future. Don't let negativity eats you down you got to eat the negatively down swallow it and put positivity in yourself just have this mindset as you go school every single day. *TODAY IS A NEW DAY IM GONNA LEARN NEW THINGS IM GONNA STRIVE FOR IT DONT GIVE UP* just put this phrase in your mind everyday quote it and make it wisely used in your life now. It will be useful as it is self created quote by me when I entered ite, i hated my course but i gotto suck it up cause i want my family especially my mum to look up to me cause i want to give her a comfortable life in the future. My mum is my idol she makes me goinmum to school being positive she makes me go to school even when i dont want it shes my role model since young. Shes a hardworking person like now shes standing alone as a single parent but she is doing it very well as a single parent shes doing super fine as a mother infact i want to be like her when i grow up. So carefree so peaceful so happy such a beautiful mother right? 👸 I want the world To know in the future when I turn successful I want them to know that my mum did a great Job raising me up giving me confidence in life making everything at home so peaceful and make my home feels like a home. When I book out from ns first thing I want to do is to go home cause my home is a sweet home a warm lovely house with lovely people in it my mum thought me how to be independent my my thought me how To be strong how to be a responsible person💪
My mum once told me
*Boy ah if you dw to help yourself whose gonna help you?*
This is the question that triggers my everyday life as I'm thinking what should I do where should I start where should I go?
I want to do things to make her smile make her happy make her feel proud To be my mother I want her to know that I will not a let her down ever again.. When I gotten my first case she was super disspointed in me she don't say it but I can see it. I can feel it deep down from the bottom of my heart.. I just want to tell her how much I love her and sorry for disspointing her in her 40+ years of her life.. She didn't give up she just keep standing up each time she falls she just didn't give up even when she's at her lowest she will still climb back up and fight.
There was this one time when my dad left my family my mum haven't found a stable job yet and she didn't have spare cash to support my family but she prayed. And God have faith in my mum and let my mum won a
$200 Ntuc voucher and so she bought groceries from the supermarket and cook for us my siblings wasn't know To this matter that my mum faces financial issue till that night she got honest with us and told us what is actually happening and how did she manage such a downfall? She stand strong she stood up for herself and my family and she prayed for a stable Job and who knows God answered her prayer the next day and finally gave my mum a stable Job that can support my family.
In life, yes we may have loads of depressing moments, but always remember who will be by your side, supporting you, encouraging you, telling you that no matter how hard life is life goes on..
Back then at the period of october 2016 i lost the girl that i truly love but yes it was my mistake of not showing her my true love sight.. Its my fault for being too possesive.. Well till today honestly i havent forget her the memories we had the times we spend the jokes and laughter we shared will remain in my heart. Moving on was never an easy thing in my life cause when i love someone the someone will be loved wholeheartedly and will neverq be forgotten and let go off.. Knowing that at that period of time it was my Mortar course period and it is super shag as everyday its just outfield i just want her to know that it is not an easy thing when im on course but i dont blame her for leaving me but i just wanna say im sorry im not good enough for you.. Whether you read this short story or not i will also want to show the world how amazing you are as my gf you will always be remembered 170615, 15:26pm the day when you said yes to be mine. Its been a torturous route for me as i lost someone i love most.
To be honest i was struggling from depression at that period of time having sleeping pills diagnosed by the doctor and anti depression pill but it didn't help.. Cause you just mean too much to my life.. Believe in this sentence: *you will never be forgotten I will wait with all my heart truly for your come back one day you are the most amazing thing that happened o my life you are the most beautiful flower in the garden* I'm taking the courage to write this cause I want to truly apologise for my childish side and caused me to lose you from my life..
Well this is the phase of my life I will have to suffer what I have to and heal from what I have to heal, just like my mum my role model. She's the reason why I'm still living till today she's the reason why I took the courage to write this and hopes that she and my mum can read it my two heros my life saviour 💝
mummy, Thank You for this 21 years of my life it's been great having such a wonderful mother like you and I'm blessed to have you in my life as my mother. God Bless You Mum.
I love you mummy, the Queen of my life👸

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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