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Okay guys! I'm finally back!

So I have some tithings to say. Hey are important so you need to read this.

1. School and Sports come first.
My school work and track comes before online anything. So I have a schedule I follow each day. School, track, home, homework, eat, sleep. I am going to try to fit in there somewhere, Wattpad. I want to continue writing.

2. You have to give me time.
You need to give me time to figure out these things. Writing just doesn't pop up all of a sudden. You need time to think. I mean yes sometimes an idea pops into mind....but I need time.

3. Injuries
I am currently waiting to go to a doctor. My appointment is May 9 2017. My hand has been hurting for a while and idk why. It popped out of place before. (My wrist and thumb popped out) So it is very hard for me to type this right now. My hand hurts and I'm on a bus so it doesn't make it any better. (I'm on a bus while I'm writing this)

4. When I do write, it may not be awesome.
Sometimes I will just put in a fill in chapter. That means only like 300-400 words. A real chapter will try to be 800-1000 words. I try.

5. No schedule.
I'm not making a schedule like most writers do. I think it's stupid and I won't be able to follow it knowing my life.

6. I love y'all.
I love you all and you know that. I try my hardest.

[Thats it. That's all I have for u today. I needed to post this. Okay...

Bye my Werewolfs ! (New name like it?)


{Word Count: 295}

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