From the start (thalia & luke)

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It's been a week since id ran away. i just couldnt take it anymore. im not coping very well on my own but anything is better than being stuck with her. She was a pathetic excuse for a mother, she cared about alchohol more than me. She couldnt even look after my brother. my sweet little brother. i miss him, he was the only reason i stayed with my mother, but now he is gone...and so am i.

All of this week i have been sleeping in the woods near the city, its not the safest place but i built a den and its ok for now, its food and water that i have to worry about, im beguinning to run out and there is no way im going home to get more, not now. That place isnt home anymore. They say home is where your heart is, i dont know where mine is right now but its definatley not with her. 

I need to go into the city and get some food for today, i cant shop at many places as they wont serve kids but i know of this little gas station just as you enter the city that sells warm meals such as pies and hotdogs, it doesnt sell the healthiest of foods but that doesnt bother me, as long as i get to eat im happy.

(Hey guys! this is just a short snippet of a fic/story im thinking of writing, please tell me your opinions on it and if you would like me to carry on writing it! ly all bye.)

From the start (thalia & luke)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora