part 2

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i know im a bad person, but i had to get out. i couldnt deal with her she was too much for me to handle, she was unstable and i couldnt deal with it.

My name is Luke Castellan and i am running away, i dont know where im going or what im planning on doing but i cant stay at home. I know that im not mortal and that there are dangers out there that even i could never think up but i need to escape my old life.

I honestly dont think ill last long out here, the only weapon i have that isnt ruined is a golf club, my sword is melted and the only other supplies i have are tinned pineapple, a juice box and this diary im currently writing in. I know i could of brought better supplies i mean, who brings a diary when they could bring more food, water and clothes? But id like to think if i kept the diary and wrote in it when i do die in this diary will be my story, my life and my experiences.

I have only been on the run for a couple of days, camped out under some old bridge. I intend to learn how to fight whilst im here as the skills would come in handy, but with  my only weapon currently being a golf club theres only so much you can learn. I have taught myself how to loot, it will come in handy as ill probably be out on my own for a while.

The days coming to a close now, nothing has really happened today except me trying to train, i guess thats why i decided to start writing now.

Though id probably never say this outloud im lonely. i hope that soon i will meet some friends or just find someone who i can trust. wish me luck.

From the start (thalia & luke)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें