Chpt. 14 - The Save (Reprise)

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(A/N: HeY LOOK, I FOUND YOU ALL A nEW CHAPTER, WHOO-hOo! Also, ayeee you see what I did there with the title? YeaAAaH YoU DiD WhO0h)

Laurens' POV

Laurens was scared for Alex. He hadn't seen him after last night, when he ran away from the bridge. He saw Alex had read the text Laurens had sent him, but gave no response.

"Read 6:28 am"

Laurens had raced to school to see if Alex would be there. When he got there, though, he came to a shock. Alex was making out with Mariah.

Wait... Alex was kicking and trying to wiggle away. Mariah had an evil smirk on her face. This didn't look right. Alex didn't even like Mariah, at all. This can't be right.

John saw Alex go limp.

Mariah picked him up and was about to walk away, but all hell broke loose. John full on attacked. He knew Alex would never have let that happen, not to mention he was UNCONSCIOUS. He lost everything. He elbowed her in the stomach, which made her grab where he had hit, and dropped Alex's small body to where Laurens could catch him. Laurens quickly drop-kicked her before running towards the school. He passed by Herc and Laf, who saw him and started running behind them.

They all burst into the nurse's office together and, without a second thought, laid Alex on the cot that was in her office.

"What the hell happened, boys?" The nurse yelled, getting up from her desk.

"Mrs. Grace, Mariah Reynolds tried to kidnap Alexander Hamilton here, and he is now unconscious." Laurens explained to her. She nodded. She walked over to the mini fridge and grabbed an ice pack to lay on Alex's forehead. She then walked back over to her desk and picked up the phone.

"Hello? Yes, this is River Grace. May you get officer Jefferson to get a hold of Mariah Reynolds? Also, please get in contact with Alexander Hamilton's parents. Thank you," she spoke quietly, and then sighed as she hung up.

This was going to be a long day.

Alexander's POV
*after school at his house*

Alex woke up in his own bed. He sat up looking around, confused. He could've sworn he got up for school before. He looked over to grab his phone when he saw a sleeping Laurens on a pile of scavenged blankets on the ground. Why was he here? Alex checked the time.

"10:46 pm"

"Did I miss an entire day of school?" He asked himself in thought. He presumed so. He looked back to Laurens.

'After all that's happened, can I really be mad at him still? He says he still loves me, and he tried warning me about Mariah. He even said he didn't want to break up with me, but he had to. I can't take this anymore. I need him.'

Laurens woke up and looked up to Alex who was staring down at him. Laurens smiled. They just kinda had a deep stare into each other's eyes, like they were eye-fjuckinh or something.

(A/N: tryna keep it PG here, kiddos. That's my way of censoring it.)

"Can we be back together?" Laurens finally asked after a while of silence. It wasn't awkward though, more like... peaceful.

"Yes." Alex whispered back to him and grabbed his hand. He scooted over in his bed and pulled Laurens in to cuddle with him. They still would have school tomorrow, so they couldn't stay up very late. That's okay, because instead they just cuddled each other, like when they were in the relationship before the whole Aaron-Burr-and-crazy-Mariah-shiz-storm. Alex grabbed his phone once again, and snapped a picture of him and Laurens cuddling together.

Chat: Meme Team

A.Ham: [attachment: 1 image]

Alex clicked off his phone.

Everything was right with the world.

A/N: Ayeyoyoyoyiyo What time is it?


So, I'm tired of the constant angst after angst, much like most of you guys are. So, I'm trying to incorporate some good ol' much needed fluff!

Fics aren't supposed to be completely fluff, nor completely angst. Yet, a healthy balence of the two. Just some advice for both myself, and some of you fellow writers out there!! : ))

Laurens, That Would be Enough [✔️] // LamsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant