Poem-Silence Fading In

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The inevitable glacial pressure-

A finger on a trigger.

Met with soft release on the final pull.

We watch on in astonishment.

The home crumbles from within.

Onlookers question

"Did that really happen?"

Replies come back, not in short

(Forgetting those that live in reflective houses should no look on)

"As much as global warming!"

"More than a cellular fetus!"


"...It happened."

Like the first snow of the season

Cold, silent, settling like the aches of an old house.

Beautiful, unfortunate, fierce.

We watch on in astonishment.

He crumples like the paper of letters that could never be sent.

Felled by a small child's curiosity.

Unquenchable as a soon to be dead-man's thirst in the Sahara.

Greed more powerful than need

Need to love like a raging fire

But only a marshmallow being licked by the flames

Burnt, crisp on the outside, sliding apart within.

The need to see and feel the world

Like a child released from pain.

The always growing tension of secrets now discovered.

The pin no longer finding itself in the grenade.

Explosions of rage, sorrow, guilt- nothing

We watch on, not in astonishment,

In the deafening sound of silent disgust.

Quietly peering into the imprisoning eyes of all that he is.

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