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"What's this?"
I looked up. Sebastian's hand was hovering over the stack of papers, his eyes questioning the sleek flyer.
"Oh," I said dismissively, " It's just an ad for a trip to Paris. You can throw it away."
I bent back over a contract that I was studying, trying to signal my disinterest in the matter, unsuccessfully.
"Away, young master?" Sebastian questioned.
Sighing, I put my quill down and ran a hand through my hair. "Yes, away. I'm not going."
Sebastian picked up the page, examined it, and then placed it back down. "And why not?"
I glared into his deep earth eyes. He shouldn't have been quslestionibg me, but nevertheless I replied. "I have a company to run. I can't go gallivanting around the world."
"All due respect, young master, but I believe that you should attend."
"If I go, I'll be gone for about a year. I might as well not."
"A year? It's only one trip to Paris," Sebastian responded.
"Yes, and after that, Elizabeth plans to your the rest of the world," I countered, already exhausted of the subject. "I can't run my company or help the queen if I'm in Tokyo."
"All it takes is one letter," amusement touched his lips, "or even an email. Besides, what better way to find new business partners than international travel?"
I racked through my head, looking for an excuse or argument. Finding none, I gave in.
"Fine. Let Elizabeth know, will you Sebastian?"
"Of course. Young master." With a low bow, he was gone.

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