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Sawada Tsunayoshi aka 'Dame Tsuna' aka Neo Vongola Primo, was the most unpopular boy in Namimori Middle School. However, this was mainly due to his lack of interest in trying. No harm done living the familiar life, right? Because honestly, it was a ton of effort becoming someone. Like for example, telling his crush Sasagawa Kyoko that she was cute and the only girl he fantasizes about when he does something improper within the confines of his room.

That was all before the Tutor Hitman Reborn came into his life. He was forced to become someone, specifically, the Vongola Boss. He had to endure the hardships that came and went in stepping within the shoes of his ancestor that he never asked for. He met a lot of people along the way, including his dad whom he never got to know growing up. He unlocked plenty of abilities he never dreamed of achieving. He also became the person many drew their strength from and depended on. Most of all, he opened himself up to a world that no longer revolved around Kyoko or his banal life. Despite rejecting Reborn again and again, Tsuna knew that without Reborn, he would not be the person he was now.

Tsuna realized that, but he still could not forgive Reborn for subjecting him into the Mafia.

Or at least, obligating him to play a game after school on a Friday.

"Dame-Tsuna, did you bring the snacks maman gave you?"

"Let me catch my breath- Geez, Reborn..." Tsuna said as he collapses out of exhaustion, partly because a few hours before their class, he had to go do roadwork with Sasagawa Ryohei and then with Yamamoto Takeshi. He still has not fully recovered thirty minutes after class when Reborn ordered him to get the Kitkat and other knick-knacks he forgot to bring.

"Are you alright, Tenth?" asks Gokudera Hayato, supporting Tsuna as Yamamoto gets the paper bag filled with snacks and places them beside Reborn. Immediately I-pin and Lambo began seizing their favorites. The tutor loads his gun without losing eye contact with Tsuna and the rest and proceeds to shoot Lambo, who howls and bursts into tears.

"Why are we doing this again, Reborn?" Tsuna asks as he tries to catch his breath again Beside him, Gokudera is already lighting a cigarette. This stupid hitman is just bored and there's nothing left to do until another 'cataclysm' threatens us again. Come to think of it, almost a year has passed since Reborn's curse had been lifted, but there was still not much change from his appearance.

"We'll be having a Neo-Vongola Primo Inter-Family Challenge to celebrate our formation as a family," said Reborn. There he goes again with the made-up contests, Tsuna rolls his eyes, but only when Reborn was looking at the rest of the guardians. The last thing he needs is to get another beating and another helping of strength training from him. "And also because I'm bored and there's no news yet from Nono when the Inheritance ceremony will be."

"And why are we doing it here, in Hibari-san's house? Especially when the owner isn't around?" Tsuna brings up in exasperation. Creepily on cue, Kusakabe shifts from the back of the sliding door just behind Reborn and waved at them in earnest.

"Kyo-san's training with Fon-san and won't be back until tomorrow," he assures, most especially to Tsuna, who was close to having cardiac arrest both at Kusakabe's entrance and the fear of Hibari finding out of their trespassing on his property. "He gave permission to use his house, with some restrictions, such as not entering a few rooms."

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