Chapter One

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The first time Keith Kogane met the love of his life, he had only been a freshman in high school. He was the typical scrawny 'emo' kid, more on the short side as well as he had not yet finished growing. It was a phase he does not remember fondly, save for one shining memory in the sea of dark ones.

Any scrawny emo kid will usually tell you they attracted a lot of unwanted attention, and Keith was no exception. He was picked on daily, and after the first couple months of school he grew used to it. It wasn't to say everyone treated him like this, some people even made attempts to get to know him and befriend him, but none of them broke through the way the love of his life did.

The verbal harassment soon turned physical, resulting in a short trip down to the library turning into an all out fight. Not a fair one at that either. Keith was not necessarily helpless, though he seemed calm most of the time, there was rage burning inside him, one constantly looking for ways to escape, meaning he was actually excited when this fight began. Of course, he was also outnumbered, and overpowered, and soon he found himself flat on his back on the hard tile hallway. His breath had been knocked out of him and there was a blossoming pain in his cheek where he'd been hit rather hard. He knew it would only get worse from here, and was more angry than anything that he'd been taken down so easily. He almost resigned himself to get beaten to a bloody pulp when he heard the voice of his savior.

"Get away from him! Leave him alone!" He said, pushing through them and effectively shooing them off before turning his attention back to Keith, who had propped himself up on his elbows to look at him. The boy smiled at him, and Keith couldn't help but stare. His smile was absolutely radiant, and his eyes were the most beautiful blue Keith had ever seen. He found everything about him beautiful really, his dark skin, his short brown hair, but mostly those eyes and his smile, which he couldn't bring himself to look away from. He recognized this boy, he knew his name was Lance McClaine, a sophomore who was easily one of the most well liked people in this school. He held his hand out to him. "Come on now, lets get you some help." He said kindly.

Keith hesitantly took his hand and allowed him to help him up. He'd never been this close to him, and was completely stunned by his beauty, by his voice, by everything. He knew then, looking into his eyes and still grasping his hand, Lance McClaine had to be /his/. His soul mate. His other half. His lover. He wanted nothing more than his attention and affection. Though, he couldn't bring himself to say a word to him, silently nodding before Lance led him down to the nurse's office. By then he'd forgotten he was ever in pain. Just looking at Lance seemed to cure him of any problem, and he wasn't prepared to leave his side. Still, Lance left him in the nurse's office, telling him with a smile to get better soon before leaving. Since then, Keith has been undeniably in love with him.

Of course, he never did get to tell him. That didn't stop him from watching him of course, following him closely on the way home, stalking him to his classes. Deep down he knew what he was doing was wrong, but as long as Lance never found out, what was really the harm? He kept telling himself he would eventually confess his love for him but he never got the chance, as during his junior year of high school, he was moved to a different family, in a different school district. However, this still wasn't enough to keep him away.

Keith believed social media was a wonderful thing, only because he could still keep his eyes on Lance, following him on everything he could using empty accounts, only made to see how his lover was doing. On anything that Lance would have to approve his follow or friend request, Keith found it was easy to simply make an entire fake profile, posing as a pretty blond girl to gain his trust and acceptance. By now Keith had outgrown his dumb dark and emo phase, there really was no need to hid himself from Lance, but he couldn't help but be cautious with this.

He spent far too long like this. He was nineteen years old, living with his closest friend, when he finally decided it was time to confess to his soul mate. By then he'd moved back to Lance's town, he'd even followed him to and from work far too often, so he was confident he could do this. He'd sat outside the small cafe Lance worked in for a few hours that day and followed him home once again. He intended to stop him before going inside his house but found he couldn't do it, he wasn't ready, not today. However, he did gain some valuable information, that being the code to the lock on Lance McClaine's front door.

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