Chapter Two

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Keith was doing his best to ignore the nagging voice in the back of his mind as he walked to Lance's house, the voice telling him it was a terrible idea and that if he was caught he was likely to be arrested. He'd waited almost a week before trying this, having followed Lance home almost everyday in the mean time to make sure he had the right code, and also learn when Lance would and would not be home. Along with the thoughts he was trying to ignore, he was also ignoring his buzzing cellphone as he received text after text from Shiro, his closest friend who was quite worried over his obsession with Lance.

He arrived at Lance's house, confident in the fact he should be at work for the next few hours. He'd stayed awake all night due to his excitement, and had been repeating the code in his mind to be sure he'd remember. He walked up to the door and held his breath as he carefully typed the code in. It was only a split second but it felt like forever to him before he heard the soft beeping alerting him that he had entered the right code. He opened the door and carefully stepped inside, taking a look around. The hallway was rather narrow, and he took a moment to observe the framed pictures hanging on the wall. It looked like Lance had a pretty big family, he wondered why he never came across any of these many siblings during his early years of stalking him. Still, he wasn't here for his family, he was here for Lance.

Off the hall way were two rooms, one with a shut door and one which turned out to be the kitchen, and then at the end of the hallway was the living room. Keith noticed his house was exceptionally clean. His living room only had a couch, a coffee table, a TV, and a few shelves. It reminded him of a model home or something, too perfect for someone to actually live there. At the same time, that made perfect sense to Keith, a perfect person would live in the perfect home. In the living room was the stairs leading to the second floor of the house, a door placed next to the stairs. Assuming it was a closet Keith ignored it and made his way upstairs.

He easily found Lance's room, which was as clean as the rest of his house. It was simple, a large bed, a desk with his laptop on it, a dresser, his closet, a lamp. Nothing too special to an average person. Keith on the other hand wasn't eager to even leave this room. He sat down on Lance's bed, a smile on his face. This is where Lance sleeps, he thought to himself. He laid back on the soft bed, closing his eyes. He couldn't help but imagine himself laying there with Lance, Lance holding him close and playing with his dark hair. It was something he'd fantasized about countless times before, laying on his bed just made his desperation for Lance worsen. He forced himself to get off the bed so he could explore the rest of the house. The upstairs had only a few more rooms and a bathroom, but nothing worth spending too much time with. He made his way back downstairs and he was reminded of that door next to the stairs. He couldn't hold back his curiosity, opening the door. He'd been expecting a closet but instead he was met with a stair case leading down. He searched for a light switch but couldn't find anything so he brought up the flashlight on his phone.

The room was nothing spectacular, like most basements it was only used for basic storage and even if Keith was fine with poking around Lance's closets and draws, he wasn't all that interested in just any junk laying around. He swept the light over the room and almost immediately something caught his eye. A person. It appeared as if she was sleeping on the other side of the room, her back to him. Keith was confused by this for a number of reasons, but something seemed... off, about all this. Sure she appeared to be sleeping but Keith just felt it in the pit of his stomach that something was wrong.

He slowly approached her body, observing her pretty blonde hair and rather revealing clothing. When he got close enough he knelt down and gently shook her.

"Excuse me...?" He said softly, hoping to get her attention. She didn't respond, and he pulled her over so she was laying on her back. That was when he saw her wide, lifeless eyes, her hung open mouth, colorless skin and most importantly, the horrible bloody gash across her throat. Keith couldn't guarantee he knew how long she'd been dead but he knew it really hadn't been that long. Maybe she'd been killed last night. Who knew.

His thoughts were a complete mess. Who did this? It couldn't have been Lance. His lover could never do something so horrible. Someone else must live with him. Or someone was trying to frame Lance for this horrific crime. All he knew was that it couldn't have been Lance. He tried to think of what he should do. If he called the police he would probably get in trouble himself for sneaking into Lance's house. And if he tried to let Lance know, well, that brought on it's own array of problems. As his mind raced, he did not hear the front door open as this house's only resident returned home early, and he did not hear the footsteps across the floor above him, and he didn't even notice the door at the top of the stairs open wider. He didn't realize he wasn't alone until it was too late, when the overhead light came on (it turns out there was a chain hanging in the middle of the room used to turn it on) and he turned around, getting one glance at his beautiful lover before he swung the baseball bat he was holding, crashing it into Keith's head and knocking him out immediately.

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