Chapter 5

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Number 01000010 01000111 00100011 00110000 00110000 00110000 00110000 01000110 01000110 has been activated - Preparing divertissement... Character complete; simulating now.

Wake up. So I did, I had no choice, my code commanded me to do it, even if all I wanted to do then and there was to go back to sleep. I- or rather, my code- forced myself up out of my comfy bed and into the bathroom. I knew the routine; same thing every flippin day. Wake up, go into the bathroom, take a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, so on and so forth. So I did just that.

I walked into my living room; it was cute and cozy and I loved it, but I wished I could move the dining table near the windows, and maybe move some chairs, and get rid of the awful cactus in the window and replace it with a tulip, maybe a blue one. It would look much better.

Still, I walked over to the dresser near my bed and opened the bottom drawer. I picked up the heart locket that was resting in safely in its box as per usual.

I don't know why, but I had always adored this locket. I guessed it was from an old side quest the player was supposed to do, but was never implemented. A fuzzy memory was itching the back of my mind and tugging at my heart, but like always, I ignored it. I put it around my neck and clasped the little clasp in the back. It was really nice looking.

I sighed and moved toward the door. I knew the code would kick me out of the house by 9:00 anyway, although I once made the mistake of waiting too long. Don't get me wrong, I was ready to leave; I was just looking at my house, studying it, and then bam! Straight outta the house. It hurt a little, being jostled around by my jumpy, finicky code.

I stepped outside. I had a house in the outskirts of the main part of town, where all the other townsfolk live. I walked into the town, and while most of the other people went to the popular cake and breakfast store, I went across the street from it and into the pancakes restaurant.

I went inside, and the lady at the counter welcomed me. I was coded as a regular here, so I usually got some things cheaper. She sat me down, and I ordered, blueberry pancakes with blueberry syrup and bacon with some hot chocolate and orange juice.

While I waited for my food to be prepared, it took an average of 10 minutes, I decided to look at my code. I mean, it never changes, and is never that interesting, but why not? It was sort of fun to look at.

Name: Gavin

Age: 18


Level: -0-=?^#*

That's strange... I don't remember there ever being a level stat. I don't know why a background character would need a level, but it must be some new update or something. Yeah... that's it, I thought, the player probably updated their game and all background characters got level stats or something.

I came back to reality as I heard the sound of plates being put down on the table and I jerked my head around to the waitress, but she didn't seem to notice. "Here is your breakfast, and have a nice day!" she said, waving and turning around. "You too," I said glumly, looking at my plates. I started eating, as they say you should never do anything on an empty stomach.

When I finished, the waitress automatically came over and picked up my plates, but not before handing me the bill. $20.00. Not so bad, I thought. Plus, it would have been more without the loyalty discount.

I payed, put down a tip, and left the restaurant. I looked at the clock hanging on the outside of the store; it was only 10:00. I stretched my back and a familiar options menu popped up on my screen. There were four options, go to the cake shop across the street, go to the fudge shop, go over to the mall, or go to the arcade.

Of course, like any sane person, I went... straight to the fudge shop. I moved my hand in front of me, just enough to click the option, but not enough to cause alarm.I had always wondered why that would pop up, I guess I was programmed for something important, but was lefts out.

I clicked the button and continued on my way, happy I didn't run into the options and click on somewhere I didn't want to go, as I had done the first time. Lets just say that the arcade is not a pleasant place to go.

I continued walking and walking, soon arriving at the fudge shop, and went inside. I saw the player at the counter, and realized he was doing a side quest, working at the fudge shop for the day. I looked around at the people, and saw the main female player, as well as the other boy. The girl looked like she was complaining about having to sit and wait, while the boy was reading while nodding along.

I walked up to the counter, looking at the menu. "Hello," the player greeted, "what would you like today?" he asked me, sounding bored. "I would like 4 pounds of milk chocolate fudge, please" I said. "Ok, coming up!" he said with fake enthusiasm. "Go and sit over there." he said, pointing to his friends, who looked up at this point, so, my code made me go and sit down right behind them, on the boys' side.

I smiled at them, and sat down behind the boy, my code told me what to do (which is okay, I wouldn't know what to do anyway, I've never actually seen the main characters, I just knew because it's programmed in). "Hello," I said as my code made me start up a conversation with two of the players' friends. "Hello!" the boy said, while the girl just glared at me as if I was the most disgusting thing she'd ever seen.

"I'm Gavin," my script continued.

"Maoz," the boy said, then he jabbed his thumb back at the girl. "This is Madeline..."

"Nice to meet you, Maoz and Madeline!" I choked out the fake and contrived-sounding words.

"Same," Maoz chuckles, but his soft reply was drowned out by the girl's immediate and loud "Whatever" as she went back to her phone.

Well, I already know I don't like her; she's a jerk, I thought as I turned to look at the clock. 10:20; I have loads of time to spare, as I don't have to go out to the forest till about 11:00. I noticed that my script turned to free speaking. This will probably end up badly.

"So what brings you here anyway?" Maoz's voice cuts through my thoughts.

I looked at him and smiled, "well fudge of course!" I laughed, making him laugh as well. I could hear Madeline scoff at us, but I chose not to comment on it. This poor guy has to deal with the two most annoying people, in my opinion, all day. What did he do to deserve this torture? He seems cool.

"You know what I mean," he said matter-of-factly, calming down after laughing for a bit.

"Well I've always been here - just not when you guys are. I'm always in the forest by 11:00." The words fell out with ease, and I didn't have to struggle to maintain casual conversation.

"Cool! That sounds fun, just going out to the woods and looking at all the animals." Maoz smiled warmly, and I smiled back.

"Gavin!" the player's voice suddenly called.

"Thanks," I said, loud enough for him to hear. Turning back to Maoz, I said my goodbye. "My order is ready; maybe I'll see you later?" I added.

"Sure!" he said honestly. "Sounds fun."

I nodded and got up from my seat, and got my bag of fudge. I waved goodbye to Maoz, and left the store with the bell chiming.

I quickly put my order in my inventory. it's a small one, but it's an inventory nonetheless. I sighed deeply. The more I thought about it, the more I really wanted to break my code. Well - not break break it. Just crack it a little. As I walked, I looked up nonchalantly, but then I saw it... others. All walking to the center of town. I stepped toward where they were going; I knew I wasn't supposed to. I could tell by the tug of my code.

I continued anyway.

I ran when the others did, and I was filled with new joy and energy as I saw Maoz sprint with us too, to the dismay of Madaline and the Player. We're going to do it, I thought. We're going to break our codes. I ran without turning back.

We were going to crack.

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