Chapter 6

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Ok Guys!! This is the last chapter before we get into the plot! Wish them luck!


Number 01000010 01000111 00100011 00110000 00110000 00110000 00110000 01000110 01000110 has been activated - Preparing divertissement... Character complete; simulating now

Wake up and make them some breakfast of- blah, blah, blah. I really didn't care or pay much attention to my code; still the same old shiz as always. I could always just have thoughts to myself as my body got up and started making breakfast, mind you, it was 5:30 IN. THE FREAKING. MORNING! I hate mornings. I was screaming internally. Still, though, I got up and started making food.

We were in the middle of nowhere, and I had to use whatever materials we had to cook something for these ungrateful jerks, well, at least Madeline was an ungrateful jerk. ThePlayer was decent, he just tended to side unfairly with Madaline. I honestly hated her; and him for it. With the combination of the Player's, or (Y/N)'s, taunting and Madeline's scoffing and judgemental looks, it was really hard to handle. On top of it, they were dating, too! Things couldn't be worse.

I wouldn't tell them that, though; I was programed to just follow these guys around, making them meals, taking pictures, all of that, and of course all the other normal player things. However, it had its benefits. if I ever were to break from this code, I'll know how to cook and hunt for berries and wild game, and trust me, I've dreamed of days where I would do it.

I finished up the food just as the two of them woke up, at 7:00 sharp. They had been cuddled together in one sleeping bag. They got up and walked over to the food, Madaline getting most of it, and going over to a log and eating together as they talked. I got what was left and cleaned up what I could in the nearby stream, cursing whoever programmed me to be stuck with these jerks.

I finally got around to eating around 7:40. Of course, the other two had left their plates for me to clean up. I sighed. I hate this. It's torture mothering these two, reminding the player of everything.

When I finished, I cleaned up and packed up all of everyone's stuff that was laying on the ground, making sure to wrap Madeline's up tightly, in case she hasn't put on her mascara yet and she has to do everything herself. Honestly, traveling with these guys for over two years gives you some experience and knowledge on how to screw somebody over.

After folding everything up, I stood and stretched my back, my fire Mage's outfit wrinkled out as I stretched. I couldn't wait to get to town and sleep in a nice, warm, soft bed. I glanced at my water bottle. "I guess I have to fill it up before we leave," I mumbled aloud to myself, walking to the stream nearby.

I got down on my knees and took off the cap of the bottle. It had a built-in purifier, so I didn't have to worry about heating or boiling the water. After it was full, I started jogging back to camp when I heard a scream.

I picked up my pace, knowing the voice was Madeline's, so when the camp came into view, I wasn't surprised that she was digging everything out of her bag looking for her mascara.

"WHERE IS IT!? WHERE IS IT!?" she screamed in a furious frenzy. I looked at (Y/N) and he was just shaking his head. Whether it was at me or at her, I wasn't sure, but I had a feeling I didn't want to find out.

I walked up to her and unzipped the first pocket on the outside of her now cluttered bag, and got it out. "Here ya go." I said cheerfully, handing the tube to her. "Don't act like such a smart-a**," she shot back. I rolled my eyes, I had gotten use to her cursing. I did it too a while ago, but I didn't see a point in it now. I could just confuse everyone with my large vocabulary and leave them dumbfounded.

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