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I didn't expect my life to be like this. Being born in a factory were my body was placed together with mostly chicken but some preservatives.

After being born I was immediately packaged in a bag with other chicken nuggets, on my way to a store called Costco Wholesale. I was in a truck with many bags and my nugget friends surrounded me, I felt like I was being squished but I still felt comfortable in the truck.

"What is going on?"
I asked a stranger next to me.

"I think we stopped, we must be at our destination." the nugget said.

We were placed out of the truck, and loaded onto carts that would carry us into an icy part of Costco. I knew what the store was called because I recall before going into the large grocery store, some red letters where at the entrance stating, "Costco Wholesale."

As soon as I saw the sign I remember being moved into the store and placed down in the frozen food section.

The same nugget guy then randomly came up to me. He said, "I think we'll be here for a while, we should get to know each other while we are here. My name is Carl, what's yours?"

I responded, "Frank, why do you think we are gonna be here for a while?"

Carl then moved closer to my crusty ear and stated, "Well I think we are in the back of the store, so nobody is gonna see or move us anywhere. Trust me I've been through this many times, I was the last nugget in the bag who survived, don't ask how I got repackaged though."

I didn't really know who or what was going to move us, or why Carl was saying he did this many times. What was "this?" I didn't bother to ask because I felt like he would start saying a long explanation I didn't want to hear, and I definitely didn't want to hear about how he got repackaged.

I've only heard rumors about the humans that would eat us, but I've never seen one in real life. Carl told me about how humans have to buy us in order to eat us so if we are moved, we are being bought.

I never wanted to be bought, I liked staying in the bag squished up against Carl, it's better than being eaten.

A lot of weight was pressed upon us so I expected my bag to be at the bottom of other bags meaning I had a lot more time then the others.

The first night staying at the Costco included a lot of talking with Carl and not being able to sleep. All of the other nuggets were screaming, talking, whispering, and sleeping. I couldn't sleep because of all of this, I just wanted some peace. The bag then got dark all of a sudden and everyone got even louder. I tried to shut my eyes and drown it out for the night and eventually it got quite. I woke up to the sound of foot steps and the lights being turned on.

It was the next day.

I felt tired and distressed today after the sleepless night. I felt so tired I could fall into a coma of sleep.

A Chicken Nuggets PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now