Chapter 1: The Terrible Decision

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Two weeks after the funeral, everything was slowly getting back to normal: Paige recovered from her treacherous coma, news broadcasts moved to a different topics, Uncle Seth is getting over his ex-girlfriend, but the worst part was, Zach died in prison.

According to the news, the former terrorist hung himself in his prison cell without writing his deep regrets or fears on a piece of paper.

Most police officers think that he was just trying to get out of his death sentence, while others think that he was tired of living.

Ever since Mom heard the tragic news, she stayed in her bedroom and cried for hours until Dad, Uncle Seth, and I calmed her down.

Much to my surprise, CIA agreed to have Mom stay home until she can recover from the incident.

Alhough I wanted to go back to my school, everyone is still recovering from our late teacher, Mrs. Triton. Instead of having us come back to school, the school board lets us take another day off.

As a celebration for Paige's recovery, her mother decided to invite Mom and me to a Girl's Night Out.

She planned us to go to town, so we can get our nails done, shop for clothes, and gossip, much to everyone's dismay.

At home, Mom and I tried to talk our way out of it, but Dad and Uncle Seth stopped us.

"Think of it as a way to get out of the house," Uncle Seth explained. "You girls need some time to yourselves."

Mom scoffed at his idea.

"Easy for you to say," she snorted. "I don't know how to paint my nails or shop!"

"Neither do I!" I cried.

Dad sipped his coffee then set it on the kitchen counter. He gave us that look therapists made when they want their patients to get out of their comfort zone.

"You guys have been through something traumatic," Dad stated, looking at Mom.

"with Zach's and Mrs. Triton's death on the line, you and Cleo have to find away how to put this behind."

I thought about it for a moment then sighed. Dad is right about us moving forward. Paige is my best friend and I couldn't bear the thought of losing her again.

"Alright," I said finally. "I'll go, but I am only doing this for Paige."

Mom smiled as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Me too," she agreed.

After she sipped her coffee, Mom rested the fragile mug in the sink, then looked at Dad and Uncle Seth with fishy eyes.

"So," Mom began. "What are you guys going to do when we are gone?"

Uncle Seth wrapped his arm around Dad's shoulder then announced something that made me curious.

"We are going to a karaoke restaurant with Jared and his father." he shrugged.

I didn't know that Jared and his father are coming with them, I wondered.

When I asked them why, Dad gave me a patient smile.

"Paige's mother tagged them along with us," he explained. "Ever since the divorce, she wants Mr. Clayton and Jared to do something fun together."

"Like a Guy's Night?" I asked. The men nodded in response.

"And besides," Uncle Seth added, rubbing his hands.

"The restaurant has single women there."

Mom and I rolled our eyes, while Dad stared at his younger brother.

"We are here to have a Guy's Night with Jared and his father," Dad reminded. "and all you can think about is single women?"

Uncle Seth gave him a childish pout.

"I am helping!" he protested. "I am helping Mr. Clayton to get out of the Friend Zone, while getting over my breakup!"

Three weeks ago, his online girlfriend cheated on him, but one thing for certain, I couldn't remember if it was his girlfriend who dumped him.

Nonetheless, I wanted Uncle Seth to find someone worth dating. So, I had decided speak up for him.

"Uncle Seth is right, Dad." I said. "Ever since the breakup, Uncle Seth started living in my bedroom."

Uncle Seth shook his head at me.

"Not anymore," he replied. "I mope on the couch now."

Mom rolled her eyes and stared at the ceiling.

But as soon as her eyes met Dad's, she smiled.

"You boys can go and have a Guy's Night, but Ben, you need to stay close to your brother."

Uncle Seth let out a long moan.

"I'm thirty-four years old, Cole." he reminded. "I don't need Ben to babysit me."

Mom crossed her arms and nodded.

"Yes, he does." she argued. "Because the last time Ben wasn't there, you scared Cleo to death wearing that stupid clown costume!"

Mom is talking about the memory of my fifth birthday; while Dad was occupied in the FBI, she promised me to buy me cake at the store.

Uncle Seth was placed in charge until she gets back.

Since I was already bored of playing chess all by myself, I decided to watch Dragon Tales in the living room couch.

Unfortunately, Uncle Seth dressed himself as a clown and yelled, Happy Birthday in my ears.

He had paint all over his face, wearing a bright red wig, and had a blue clown suit with big white shoes.

My uncle reminded me so much of It that I screamed, ran into my bedroom, and locked the door behind me so he wouldn't come in.

Just then, the police came in the house, asking Uncle Seth if someone got shot. Long story short, he had to call Mom from the grocery store, and tell the police what happened.

As soon as the drama was over, Mom gave Uncle Seth a long lecture on why she doesn't trust him anymore.

She then tried to call me downstairs and apologize, but I couldn't go down there until Uncle Seth gets rid of his outrageous outfit.

Cringing at the memory, he grumbled something under his breath and finally agreed to her decision.

As Mom and Dad beam at his response, I pray that Uncle Seth wouldn't get Dad and the others in trouble. 

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