Chapter 9 Too lazy

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I woke up in a bed. I look around, confused. I thought I died!!! I leap out of bed. Sky! Why did he do dis!!??? I see a door and poke my head out of it. Im surprised to see many other kids. I instantly recognize the place I'm in. IM IN A FRICKING ORPHANAGE!!!??? This is my worst nightmare. I nearly punch a hole through a wall but I calm down. I notice a strange ocelot anthro staring at me. Weird. I feel a strong connection to her. She is like me. Not a normal ocelot anthro. She has sandy fur, black stripes, a scar over her eye, a ripped ear, a scar over her nose, black tufts of fur at the tips of her ears , and amber eyes. Hmmm....

I'm too lazy to continue right now :P

Le time skip.

The first day here was miserable. I found a few enemies and a few friends. I have been introduced to books for the first time and I surprisingly have a natural ability for reading!! No learning needed. I am walking back to my dorm when I think about Sky. I feel a sinking, cracking feeling in my heart. Why did he do this? I unsheathe my claws and dig them into the book I'm carrying in anger. Why. That feeling is gone when I think about him.

Don't know what's going on

Don't know what went wrong

Feels like a hundred years I

Still can't believe you're gone

So I'll stay up all night

With these bloodshot eyes

While these walls surround me with the story of our life

I feel so much better

Now that you're gone forever

I tell myself that I don't miss you at all

I'm not lying, denying that I feel so much better now

That you're gone forever

Now things are coming clear

And I don't need you here

And in this world around me

I'm glad you disappeared

So I'll stay out all night

Get drunk and fuckin' fight

Until the morning comes I'll

Forget about our life

I feel so much better

Now that you're gone forever

I tell myself that I don't miss you at all

I'm not lying, denying that I feel so much better now

That you're gone forever

First time you screamed at me

I should have made you leave

I should have known it could be so much better

I hope you're missing me

I hope I've made you see

That I'm gone forever

And now it's coming clear

That I don't need you here

And in this world around me

I'm glad you disappeared

I feel so much better

Now that you're gone forever

I tell myself that I don't miss you at all

I'm not lying, denying that I feel so much better now

That you're gone forever

And now you're gone forever

And now you're gone forever

I sit on my bed and sigh. Somehow I know I'm just trying to convince myself tht I don't miss him. I still have that breaking feeling in my chest... why? I look up at the ceiling and start to silently cry. I thought I could trust him. I feel a rush of anger surge through me and my fur pulses white and my eyes crimson then back to my black fur and and ocean blue eyes. "No." I think. "Not yet." I think. "As you wish master." a sarcastic voice says in my head. I jump as I hear the voice. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY YOU IN MY HEAD!?" I shout like an idiot. I hear a evil laugh in my head. "Im Insane, your evil side." I feel a shock as she says evil. I can't take all this news and events in one day. I slip consciousness in a few seconds.

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