Chapter 4

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Yo. Enjoy the story, leave dat feedback in the comments. And read the ending note pls.

Luke's P.O.V.

I walk across the airport with my bag rolling behind me. There are people everywhere, awaiting the arrival of their loved one.

You may be questioning where I am, or why I am here. I'm in New Jersey. I'm here to activate my plan to get Mitch away from Jerome.

My eyes scan the area for the my aunt, Cindy. After searching for a bit, I find her talking to a random guy. He seems to be a year or two younger than me. He has blonde hair that is up in a quiff and green eyes that sparkle when any light source hits them. He is certainly a looker...

"Luke!" Cindy yells as I approach. She smiles and pulls me into a hug. Once she releases, she does all the typical aunt things, like commenting on how much I've grown, or how 'handsome' I've become.

"It's lovely to see you again, Luke." She laughs. "Oh heavens! I almost forgot to introduce you two boys!" she motions towards the other boy. "This is Loui. He lives down the street from me, my car broke down this morning so gave me a ride." Loui shakes my hand and lets go quickly.

*In the car*

I sit in the back if the car while my aunt rambles on about whatever she pleases. I'm not really paying attention because Loui is really distracting. He is just so..... Adorable.

Maybe I don't need Mitch after all....

Mitch's P.O.V.

I turn on the stereo in Jerome's living room to some random station. I crank up the volume and grab my bag and run up the stairs to the guest room.

While dancing to the loins music, I carefully place all of my stuff into random drawers. I don't want to make a mess because this isn't my house.

Once I finish unpacking, I go back downstairs. I look at the clock on the wall. 2:45. Jerome's gets off at 3:00. He should be home around 3:30.

I continue to mess around the house, messing with random objects I find laying around. I do thins until I get an idea.

I drag two chairs out of the kitchen and into the large, open living room. I set them up side by side and attempt jumping over them. At first, I don't succeed and fall on my face, but then I finally make the jump.

"Yeah baby!" I yell as I land the second jump. I do a little dance and set up another pair of chairs behind the set I already had. I might as well make this interesting.

I get a running start and make it over the first set. I'm not as lucky with the second and my foot catches the back and I trip, fall and the chair lands on top I me.

"Ow!" I yell, followed by several curse words. I push the chair off of me and roll into my back, holing my side. Why am I so stupid sometimes?

I slowly get up, wincing from the pain of my side and turn off the stereo. I lay back on the floor, not wanting to lay down on the couch or go all the way up to my room for some odd reason.

*fifteen minutes later*

"Mitch?" Jerome's voice echoes through the house, followed by he closing of he front door. "Where are you, babe?" he says. I smile when he uses the nickname, that's certainly something that I will never get used to.

"I'm in here!" I groan loudly from the position I'm in on the floor. I didn't realize how much it makes your side hurt to talk when you have a bruised rib age.

Jerome walks into the room and laughs at the sight of me. "Uh, hi." Try to say casually as he observes me and all of the chairs scattered around me.

"What the heck did you do?" he asks setting a chair back on its legs. "Did a mini tornado hit or something?" he stares at me and offers a hand to help me up. I take it and he pulls me to my feet and I let out a yelp at the sudden movement.

"Are you okay?" Jerome asks, sitting us both down in the couch. I nod my head, but he sees through my lies. "Where does it hurts?" Jerome asks as I grab my left rib cage.

"Let me see..." He says and I pull off my shirt, revealing bruised along my side.

Too bad they aren't from the chair....

Cliffhanger. Yes. Someone pls yell at me to update every day or else I will be a herp derp and procrastinate. So if someone would do that, that would be fabulous. Any way, leave a vote and a comment telling me what you think and also feel free to ask me any question, no matter how stupid and I will reply to it.


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