Chapter Two| Work Out Buddy

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We have a series against the Piarates over the next three days, which will be my first set of away games, and I was so excited. The first home stand was pretty successful for me getting my feet wet and now I was ready go hit the road. Before I left I had a personal training session with Alex early this fine Monday morning. We've hung out with Anthony around Wrigley a few times since we met but this is the first time we've worked out. I wanted to increase every aspect of my game and this was the best way to do so. Now that I have a few games under my belt I know what to work on. As for today, we were we're working on speed and acceleration.

After getting lost in the friendly confines Alexandria gives me some directions I find the workout room and see her stretching in the corner while music played quietly in the background. She catches my glance through the mirrors that lined the wall and gives a sweet smile and wave through it. That smile that's only for her finds its way on my face as I wave back. Not helping Kris, really not helping.

I'm not doing a great job about suppressing my feelings for her, there's no denying it. In fact they're just getting worse and worse. I might not show it, but they're there and they're strong. But the crazy thing is that I feel like she likes me too, despite what that ring on her finger says. Her body language is telling me something totally different. I set my bag down by the door and stand next to her ready to go.

"Stretch out then we'll get started" she instructs and I nod. She still had her hair down almost covering her whole neck which i found peculiar. It was still chilly outside but I thought it was weird that a personal trainer has her hair down. She had to be hot. I ignore it for right now and finish stretching out before getting started.

At first we start with some cardio. She sets up about 6 inch hurdles and we do high knees over them for two minutes going side to side then forwards. Next she sets up about one and a half foot hurdles and we do two foot hops for two minutes. The whole time she was doing them with me not even running out of breath. I knew she was in shape but now I'm convinced she is on PEDs.

"Good job so far, I'm impressed. Get a drink then we'll keep going" she instructs. I drink about half of my Gatorade in one gulp and lean against the wall, man I was already tired. All my muscles were crying. Or sweating. But I think they were crying.

"Do you always work out with your clients" I ask as she sets up the next station.

"Yeah. Working out makes me feel better, it's a stress reliever" she shrugs. If I was with her I would make sure nothing ever made her feel stressed. Whoever she was with obviously wasn't doing a good enough job. In my eyes she deserved nothing but the best.

She ends up taking off her shirt halfway through the workout and I feel my heart rate pick back up. I try to stop from staring but it was actually impossible. Ohhh this can't end well. Her body was, well it was something to see really. Her hair moves a little and exposed her neck that looks like a weird shade of purple. She quickly covers it back up when she realizes her hair moved out of place and claps her hands together knocking me out of my trance.

"Okay, lets work on lateral movement" she says quickly. I let it go but her neck looked really bad from what I was able to see. Maybe she was sick or something?

We end up doing suicides and a obstacle course and she smokes me in both barley breaking a sweat.

"Are you even human" I ask with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. She walks over to me and taps her arm muscles proving that she wasn't a machine or something.

"Last time I checked yes" she laughs. I grab her arm and she flinches at first. Eventually she relaxes and starts flexing her arm up and down causing me to laugh. Cute.

"I was right. You do have better arm muscles than me" I smirk. Out of nowhere she lifts up my shirt and takes a good look at my abs. She traces the lines on my stomach, lightly running her fingers over my skin. Everywhere she touched tingled and I thought my knees were going to give. I'm sure she can feel my heart beating in my stomach as her skin meets mine. She was driving me absolutely insane.

"You have really good abdominal strength" she concludes, still tracing the lines on my stomach. There's no way she wasn't feeling at least a fraction of the emotions that was rushing through my veins right now.

"You have really pretty eyes" I yell out and she looks up to me with playfulness in her eyes. I mentally smack myself in the head for saying that, but she just smiles and laughs it off.

"Thanks" she responds and I just nod so I don't say something stupid again.

We finish up our workout and I'm probably going to be sore when we play tonight. But I honestly haven't felt this good in a while and I love how my body felt. Alexandria tosses me a towel and I wipe up all the sweat that hadn't fallen to the floor.

"Are you coming to the games" I wonder. Usually the trainers do but it's their decision if they want to come or not.

"I can't" she says softly, adverting her eyes from mine. I can tell there was more to this and she seemed... scared. I take a step closer and she steps back.

"What do you mean you can't" I ask. This was her job after all.

"I just... I just can't. It would be best for everyone if we just dropped this now" she sighs. She looks back up to me and it looked like she wanted to tell me something. Like she wanted to say more, but she couldn't.

"Okay, can I at least walk you to your car" I ask and she gives that great smile again. I watch her get in her car and she pulls away. A sigh falls past my lips as she leaves out of my sight leaving me wondering what it was she is hiding.

I take a quick shower then jump on the bus that was headed to the airport for the game. I sit on the plane waiting for this to be over, because I hate flying, and my bubbly friend sits next to me.

"You're all wet" he notices messing with my hair.

"I worked out this morning so for everyone on this planes sake I had to take a shower" I inform him.

"That's right, how did that go" he asks wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Well you might have to carry me off of the plane if that tells you anything" I laugh.

"Yeah, she's pretty intense" he admits.

"What else can you tell me about her" I pry and he raises a eyebrow at me.

"Someone got a crush" he teases.

"No, she's engaged" I try. I didn't need shit from him about this.

"That doesn't mean you don't like her. It just means she engaged" he implies. Damn it. Didn't think he was smart enough to catch onto that.

"Okay yes. I'm attracted to her and I think she's this  amazing girl, but something is not right here. Have you ever heard her talk about her fiance" I ask.

"Never. She says she's engaged but that's about it" he shrugs.

"You don't find that the least bit peculiar? And her hair. It's never up even when she works out" I continue.

"I noticed that too. But she seems pretty happy and I don't want to be the reason she's not, so I usually just stay out. And I suggest you do too" he warns.

"How though? How am I supposed ignore this feeling I have that something is wrong here. Sure, I haven't known her for long but I hear how the guys talk about her. How you talk about her. She's obviously important to the club and she is important to me too. But the things she says and does leads me to believe she leaves us she doesn't like what she's going back home to. I don't want something to be wrong" I sigh.

"If you really think there is a problem with her and her fiancé, enter at your own risk. But that is very dangerous territory tight there. Once you're involved there is no going back" he warns. But I didn't care what he said. I was going to get to the bottom of this.

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