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Domestic violence is a real issue in today's society no matter how little we talk about it. It isn't just physical, it's mental and it's exhausting and it's frustrating. Over a quarter of a million people each year had a domestic violence issue that mess with pregnancy, many ending in a miscarriage. And it's not just woman who suffer, although they account for 85% of domestic violence cases. Men who have witnessed domestic violence at some point in their lives are two times more likely to do it themselves. It occurs ever nine seconds somewhere in the world. These facts are shocking to some but people who have been there know them all too well.

Domestic violence is too common not to be talked about. To be noticed. And usually by the time something is said it's all too late. Although I have gotten better, I still have to live with the memories. I'm still scared Kris might turn on me. I'm scared my children might be involved in such a thing. Im frightened that my ex knows he's still in my head every so often completely scaring the shit out of me. I'm afraid someone I care about is in a domestic voiclence situation. 1 in 4 woman have at one point in a relationship have been abused and I know a lot more than four women so someone I know and cared about has probably been through something like I have. And although people are more aware of it happening it still happens at alarming rates. And my hope is that one day it will end.

As for Spencer, he's still in jail. I just ignore when he calls now. He knows that I have a kid and I'm married to Kris and he probably hates that I'm fine while he continues to rot in his cell for what he's done. I know he regrets what he did but a feeling sorry for himself isn't going to undo the years of torture he put me through. He's a part of my past wether I like it or not. But I'm leaving him there along with that house and those memories.

Bennett Wrigley ended up being exactly what I expected him to be. Just like his daddy. He plays third base for his little league team and loves hitting long home runs. He's already starting to tower over his friends at a young age and I'm almost sure I'm going to be the short one of the family, but I love watching my baby Ben grow.

After Ben, Kris and I had a set of twins. Two girls to be exact. Kris was petrified at first but they're pretty chill right now, they're only eight but they sure like to do a lot. The oldest Noel was a cheerleader and a pretty good one. She's a top girl and it scares the shot out of me when she falls but she always gets right back up with a smile on her face, must run in the family. The youngest of the twins is Whitney, and shockingly enough she wants to be a singer. That wasn't our intentions when we named her but I like to call it a happy coincidence.

They're a handful to handle sometimes but Kris and my families always help out. Kris' parents never had a had a girl and now they have two so thru love to come over and my family is so happy to be expanding they find any and all excuses to drop by. The house gets pretty full but it's full of love and I wouldn't change it for the world. We still have Alexis nanny from time to time but she has her own job now. She's a speaker for Chicago against domestic violence and a damn good one. She started a home for battered women and kids and she helps them find themselves again. Along with her husband she's changing the lives of the people in Chicago and it makes you feel so good. She turned out into a wonderful woman and I'm so proud.

As for me and Kris, well we're doing just fine. Kris is still playing all these years later. Still a force to be reckoned with. And still best friends with Anthony. Anthony married Emily after knowing her for just a year, kinda funny how life works out. And they have a kid of their own, but Anthony still loves Bennett as his own.

And I still work with the Cubs as a athletic trainer, still beat Anthony in arm wrestling and help out with the wives in the organization. Quite a life to live you ask me.

And it all started with a smile.

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