Part 2-

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The music coming from the room was invading and making the crowded room seem even hotter than it really was. It must have been at least two hours that the convention dinner started and Hana had been running everywhere, hands full of documents as she was trying to run back, not only to cover Jungkook's ass in front of the competitors but also his friend's.

The room was filled with investors from different countries and, each time one of them approached Jungkook and his friend, Hana ran from the back room to him with the right document so they could all talk business. It was, as always, tiring, but what wouldn't she do for her lovely boss.

2 months. That all it takes for him to rob her heart. Of course, that had to be kept secret. None of that could be said right in front of him, yet, she couldn't stop thinking about it. Each time he was begging for her to take control in their private moments, she pictured him asking her out properly. In a way, she even found herself extremely naive. What was she even hoping for? A diamond ring of some sort? He was a bachelor. You know the type of guys most likely to avoid such relationship.

As long as she could have her little moments with him, she didn't mind. She just went with the flow and hoped for the best.

As the clock stroke 8 pm , she was running back to her boss with the 6th document of the evening in between her fingers. Her high heels fidgeted against the marble floor and she finally reached him, excusing herself as she cut the discussion by her presence. " Excuse me, Mr. Jeon, this is the document you asked for. Do you need anything else? "

Jungkook eyed her when he heard her voice and , for so little, she even thought she saw him smirk at her. She could read in his eyes what he meant and it was something along the lines of ' you sitting on my face'. Being professional, though, Jungkook coughed and grabbed the document. " Thank you, Hana. Can you go get me the plans for the new buildings we are planning to build in Incheon? " She hummed and turned on her heels. She knew Jungkook was still looking at her from behind, most probably judging if that short skirt of hers was making her butt look appetizing.

Lost in her thoughts, Hana walked a good few meters before she bumped into someone and fell back on the floor. " Oh my god, Miss, are you alright?" That voice.

Nothing could describe the surprise visible on Hana's face. Even herself couldn't put a finger on what she was really feeling. Disgust? Hate? Pain? Maybe a huge mix of them all. She eyed the hand offered her way and hesitated to take it but she knew her position was nothing professional and she ended up taking the sweaty palm the man was giving her.

She pulled on it to raise and , as quickly as her reflexes could allow her, she let it go, cleaning her wet palms on her own skirt. " Hana? "The same voice asked and she eyed up to look at the nicely dressed man.

" Nice to see you again, Luhan. "

He didn't change. He was just as handsome as she remembered. Tall, a dark shade of blond and those adorable doe eyes eying her like if they were searching to kidnap her away from reality. " It's been a long time, Hana. " His smile- or should she say smirk- was honest and , for some reasons, her heart jumped from its habitual place.

Out of words due to her ex's presence, she only blushed and smiled at him. " W-What are you doing here? " She asked finally after a few seconds of internal debate. Luhan made that same childish expression he always did with her and , for a brief moment, she even remembered their times together.

" My dad is here tonight. I guess he is hoping to make a deal with the Korean dude who threw this fastidious party. " He stopped and frowned , eying her up and down. " What about you, Han? " She grimaced at the nickname he used to call her.

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