Deflowered ~ The five stages

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Laying in this bed, an unfortunate glitch.
Everything inside this room,
circling, my head spinning.
Right there and then, I knew.
I had dug a pit hole,
that not even the assistance
of salvation can begin to fulfill.

As a young girl I always wanted a white picket fence with red embarked roses,
I'd wonder to that fantasy.
Holding on to a pipe dream,
so that I don't linger to the constant reminder
of water-under-the-bridge talks,
trustful betrayal, the you-wanted-this
don't try to convince yourself otherwise.
His cockiness alone,
should receive an Oscar award.
If only the performance
was half as good as the snarky comment sheering from his flappy muscles.

Xoxo, Tessa'LaBelle

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