5sos News

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Hello and welcome to 5sos News, the segment where I missed out on a lot and have to catch up with brief overviews. Let's begin.

In Luke's Lane we have some simple things going on, such as some nice aesthetic Coachella photos (THAT I WASNT THERE FOR), and people trying to get him to follow them. In other Luke news, he waved at the 13 Reasons Why Guy thinking he was a friend. The feelings were not reciprocated. Additionally, tweeting pictures is too much effort, and most experts agree that he is still a loser.

In Ashton's Lane we have our usual tweets, which involve lots of sweet and sometimes random and nonsensical things. This week included lots of musical recommendations, and an important question: do we like staring at these screens?  In other news, 5sos wrote that 45th cool chorus, in case you didn't know. Blockbuster is also, in fact, dead. In movie news, Ashton rates 5sos's reenactment of The Lion King a 10/10 on rotten tomatoes, even if he was later informed that he had reenacted E.T. First mistaking strawberries for tomatoes, now the lion king for E.T? When will it end? To close our Ashton segment, we conclude with Ashton celebrating his life and annoying Calum.

Speaking of Calum, Calum's Lane has been pretty slow, as usual, with a lack of traffic. He met Zak at an ice cream shop and bought him ice scream. Also, Simba. Also, shading Luke about how much he talks about his dog. Although Calum isn't one to talk.

In Michael Lane News, he simply requests that everyone listens to Roy English's new single Hotel Pools.

That concludes this segment 5sos News, now a message from our sponsor.

Hello, this is Kara from Kara Does Way Too Much With Her Life. I may be MIA for the next 3 days considering I will be performing and working at Stagecoach (idk if like any of you are going but like hey hmu if you see me it's like Coachella but country so idk if you wanna go though) ((I said like three times in that sentence chill SoCal Karaina))

Thanks, sponsor.

We hope to see you next time on the next segment of 5sos News. Goodnight everyone.

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