Chater 8- The Strange Girl

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When I was walking back to Taylor I saw a girl walk in, she seemed familiar but I just ignored her.

Seconds later I heard her say "Baro?! Come here! I missed you oppa!" As soon as Taylor heard that she shot her head over to me, then her.




I started sweating, I didn't want Taylor to get mad at me and I didn't want to speak to my ex, Lisa.

She ran up and hugged me, and as soon as she touched me I pushed her off. "Why so cold oppa?" Lisa said. "I don't love you, And I'm not your oppa!" I said

Then Amy came up to her and said "Hi! I don't know who you are or why you call Baro oppa, but Baro has a NEW girlfriend, not old boring trash like you!"

Lisa immeadiatly slapped her, causing Amy to punch her. Then Jinyoung coming to Amy, holding her in his arms.




"OWWWWW!" I screamed in pain after the slap. I directly punched her in the face as defense. Jinyoung cam from the back and brought me over to the couches they had in the shop, holding me in his arms, making me feel safe and secure.

Baro said to Lisa "Go away! And don't talk to me! Don't call me, text me, email me, just leave me alone!" Lisa, who now had a black eye, [😏] was crying.

Baro asked me "Amy are you okay?". "yes. I think so." I responded, still whimpering from the pain.

We all walked out of the shop. Cnu and Gongchan patting my head. I wasn't aware of this until I you gut about it, but I was still whimpering from the pain.

I felt so energy drained and wanted to just fall and sleep.

When we got into the car Cnu started driving and the first thing I did was lay down and cuddle with Jinyoung.

I was fast asleep.

"Wake up Amy. Wake up" I heard a voice say. I slightly opened my eyes and saw Jinyoung smiling at me. I started smiling from ear to ear, I just was happy I was in his arms.

When we got into their dorm we took off our shoes, then Jinyoung got a call from the manager.




As soon as we get in I get a call from our manager. "Jinyoung! Good news! We are going to have you come back to Korea!"

As soon as he said that my heart dropped. "But..but what about Amy and... And Taylor?" After I said that Amy and Taylor shot looks at me, sad looks.

"That's the best part! They are coming along! And it's paid for!" As soon as I heard that I felt relief flow through out my body.

"Thanks sir!" I hung up the phone and looked at Amy and Taylor. "Your coming to Korea! For free!"


Authors notes


Sorry for the delay. I wrote sooooo much then idk what happened, but it got deleted when I pressed the save button. ͼ(ݓ_ݓ)ͽ

I will try to write more this weekend

Also, I realized i got over 100 reads!!!!! Thanks so much! (っ◕‿◕)っ lemme hug you all (only is your not creepy)

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