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Over 150 years ago, the Powered People, also known as Pows, began to emerge among the populous. These people were born normal until they reached a certain age, and their abilities blossomed. These children could suddenly do unexplainable things: fly, disappear, shoot substances from their fingertips. Thousands of different abilities could be named, and no two child's abilities were exactly the same.
No one knew how, where or why these genetically superior people appeared, but the fear of these new people quickly set in. Prejudice against Pows spread like wild fire, and soon, Pows were refused entry into numerous businesses, schools, and even entire cities. Though superior with their abilities, the Pows never fought back.
50 years had passed since the first Pows had appeared. Many new cities were built by the Pows unable to enter normal human cities, or as the Pows called them, Non cities. Though the Pows and the Nons lived separately, things were peaceful. For a while.
The Nons decided that segregation was not enough. To have such dangerous beings live on their world not only terrified them, but made them feel powerless in all senses of the word. In January 2113, the Nons declared war on the Pows.
One of the bloodiest wars in a hundred years followed, killing hundreds of thousands of both Nons and Pows; the war spanning over a mere four and a half years. Hundreds of cities were burnt to the ground, and a lot of the prospering land was turned to dust by weapons of the Nons and the magic of the Pows; the planet was being destroyed. Until one fateful day, in the summer of 2117, something changed.
A child was born on August 20th, named Victoria Zentique, within the Non city of Haling. When she was born, she didn't cry or fuss, but opened her eyes and spoke to the doctor, thanking them for bringing her into the world. She was a Pow, and unlike any other, she gained her powers as soon as she came out of the womb. Her powers consisted of being able to see everything that was going to happen from the present to 20 years into the future, at any given time. For this reason, she was able to speak almost fluently as a newborn. The downside to her abilities was that, although she could *see* the future, she was born blind.
Millions watched from across the globe as a baby girl, barely a month old, spoke fluently to the public, begging for a stop to the war, otherwise their planet and everyone on it would be eradicated within the next 10 years. A couple of hours after the broadcast, the war was put to an end.
The year is now 2158.
Though there is still prejudice against the Pows, there are some cities where Pows and Nons live together in one place, called sanctuary cities, or Unis. A major Uni city, named Venara, is where Empress Victoria Zentique resides, now controlling Pow cities and serving as an embassador for the Powered People.
Every day, hundreds of Pows are still being abused, taken from their homes and killed, forced into slavery, or worse. How much longer will the Pows be able to keep themselves from fighting back?

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