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Somehow.. with Scandal's forum's help Tomachi became very dear and precious person for me, i really want to dedicate this story to her! Hope you all enjoy this short fan fic :)

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Mami's POV

I remember that it was a normal, hot day when i first met her. Even if we were going with different paths, different ways, we were facing the same direction before we knew it..

An ordianry day of hot August.. the seventh month. The most hot one.  I remember that i was coming back from the school. Ah.. those halcyon days.. So, when i was passing by the little river and was going under the bridge, that was hanging up on the river, i saw someone's siluet, that was bent down to the river. It was holding a little branch and was swilling it in the water. I thought that it was searching for something and decided to get closer. I was walking slowly, because i was afraid that it would see me and ran.. i was a stranger..   While i was walking, i saw how that siluet started to be seen more clear and i saw a little girl, with beautiful long hair, little, elegant face with red, nice shaped lips bented down to the river like i thought. 

-What are you doing? - When i asked it, the girl jumped away from me.

-Ahh..you scared me! -she shouted at me and then smiled with an angelic smile.

-Oops, sorry. I didn't want to waste your time and disturb. Just interesting..what are you doing with that branch? - i laughed and stared at the stranger.

-I dropped my necklace in the water. It was my mom's. She gave it to me till she died. On the previous day.. So it's very special for me.  -I was listening to her quietly and at that same time was staring at the orange sunset. 

-I see.. I'm very sorry for her..

-That's okay~! You didn't know it and that's why you asked! - she exclaimed.

-Right! - i laughed and bent down too and started to swill the little brench with her.

-By the way.. what's your name? - i asked.

-Tomo~! Tomo Ogawa! 

-Uwaah~!! Beautiful name! 

-And yours?

-Mami Sasazaki! Nice to meet you! - I laughed and continued my little "job". 

Actually we were only 9 years old, so those kind of things were like little jobs to us. 

That day when we met each other, we spent in chatting, playing and we forgot about that necklace that probably already was on the deep of the river. We were playing till Tomomi didn't remember about the necklace:

-Mamitasu! My necklace~! - she screamed and ran to the shore of the river.


-Hai! Mamitasu! -she said with her cute, chipmunk voice.

-We will do something, don't worry. - i said and took a brench. She did the same. 

After some minutes, when i was going to start talking, i looked next to me and didn't see anyone. Tomomi wasn't there anymore. I started to yell, scream, shout her name but no one was answering.

-Tomo chan~!! TOMOO! Where are you!! Answer me! -  and suddenly i noticed a brench near me and some water splashes on the rocks.

"No way! She.. She fell down in?!"  - also remembered that once Tomo told me that she couldn't swim and i had no choice rather than jump in the water and save her life. I wasn't worrying about necklace anymore... i just wanted to save my friend and probably sister in-law. 

I took my shoes, jacket, threw the bag on the shore ad jumped into the water. To my amazement, it was as deep as the sea. For some seconds i couldn't see a thing, but suddenly Tomomi's wet hair touched my face. I quickly held her chest and started to swim to the shore. 

We both layed on the rocks. Tomomi poured out the water with caughting hardly:

-You are safe! Tomo!! You scared me~! - i couldn't help myself and hugged her.

-It was a revenge! - she laughed and stared at me. Her expression changed very fast.

-What's wrong? 

-My necklace... I didn't find it! - she started to cry loud and ran to the shore. - I'm gonna jump again!

-Are you crazy?! No way! 

-Bu..Bu..But my...

-Your necklace! I know.. but at first come and see something.. - i giggled and pointed her to my pocket.

-What? What do you have there? - she started goofing around me and couldn't make her eyes stay away from my pocket.

-Close your eyes! - i said and covered her eyes with my left hand. Then i took a necklace from the pocket and put it in Tomo's spreaded hands.

-Now you can look! 

Tomomi opened her eyes and stared at the necklace in her hands:

-You did it! Mamitasu is Kakkoi!! - she hugged me with a deadly hug. 

-Mouuuu Tomo let go of me! I can't breath!! - I took her hands away from me and beathed out deeply. - Do you want to stay today at my place? - i suggested.


-Do you want to stay today at my place? - suggested Mami from all of the sudden. I was shocked by that. She only knew me for some hours  and saved my life, then suggested me to go to her house. I wanted to decline this suggestion, but her eyes were so full of confidence that i agreed... 

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