Chapter 2(Final)

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When i agreed, Mami hugged me tightly, held my hand and dragged to the road. 

-Do you see that high building over there? - she pointed at the high house that was standing in the corner at the end of the street.

-Yes..I do.. What's that?

-My house! - she exclaimed and started giggling.

-Woaaaaah!!!! You lilve in that house?! Sugoii!!!

-Nothing special.. -she smiled and let go of my arm. -I have to go now..Bai Bai Timo chan! 

She also gave me a nickname...Like I once called her "Mamitasu"...It was a sweet revange from her. I was veryy happy when i had my own nickname too.

I was preparing all day since we separated. My house wasn't as far as i thought from Mami's one. We could often sleep - over together and we were doing it almost everyday, but my first "pyjama party" was a special event in my life. 

I grabbed everything that i thought i would need. My dad wasn't at home, probably he was drinking with all my stuff, i closed the door and headed to Mami's house. It was already dark, but the sky didn't have as dark blue color as i thought. It had a little bit of red and purple too..weird and memorable night.. 

My first visit to my first friend ever and this beautiful night view, that seemed to me somehow magical..

I stood in front of the huge and high brown door. I was afraid to knock and suddenly it opened it's self.

"Whut? Automatic door? Robot door? " -I thought because of the amazement, but it wasn't not an automatic and not a robot door.. It was just Mami, holding it's gandle.

-Timoooooooooo!!!! - she shouted loudly and ran outside to hug me. I couldn't move so i was haunted by a hugging monster Mamitasu, who let go of me only after more than 10 mintes.

-Let's go home..-she finally suggested and we entered the main hall.

It was a huge house with a lot of rooms and different places that i didn't understand that time. There was a huge lustre with also a lot of candles on it. I thought i was in an old, beautiful, princess castle.. It was like a dream.. I was staring with opened mouth at everything and probably it seemed weir to everybody in the building:

-And you live here?.. - Suddenly when my tongue got back from the shocking situation i said.

-Hahahaa..yes i do! -she exclaimed and dragged me upstairs. Then opened a huge door of a huge room and we entered it. There was only one bed, big table for writing, huge windows and curtains on it. The whole room was painted into darkd blue and there were some clouds painted with the stars too. It looked like Stars Observatory.

-This is my bedroom! - suddenly Mami shouted and pointed with a finger me to come closer. I did what she "told".  -Look! Today i saw in TV that it's going to rain hardly today, from this windows you'll see a beautiful view of a city in rain..-she said and jumped on a soft chair - pillow. I did the same. 

We were staring at the sky  for more than 15 minutes..:

-anoo..I don't think it will rain.. -mumbled Mami while staring at one of the clouds.  And when she said these words the rain fell down on the building like someone poured it from the up. 

To my amazement Mami started singing:

"ame ame  fure fure  kaasan ga 

janome de  omukai  ureshii na 


ame ame  fure fure  kaasan ga 

janome de  omukai  ureshii na 

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