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Shion's P.O.V:

It's been 4 weeks. Or 7. I don't remember. All I kno is that I miss him... I love him...I want to see him...Evreything seems so dull. I wake up to the feeling of dread I knew so well, consuming me. I'm so alone. Even if my mom is here... It can't change that it's not the same without my nezumi. Or At least I wish he was mine. EVER. Jeez, I'm THOUGHTS are getting dull. So much so My mom is suspicious. I sighed and layed back down. At least it's saturday. I thought, sighing once again. In my deep sleep, I dreamt of him seeing Nezumi's beautiful person once again. It was great. His face, his siluette, I thought it was real.waking up, I relized that he was gone. And he was all I ever thought about. Until one day my dreams became reality.


"I HATE THIS WORLD!.." I felt my self sobbing, screaming over and over again. My mom was confused,.. worried, As she watched me in a pitiful state. But I just couldn't tell her. She wanted to get a sychologist. But I said no,... becuz I knew they would tell me to forget about that "dirty rat." In they're terms. But I could not. Ever. I need to wait, nomatter how insane I become. Because I would only become more insane trying to forget. My mom left the room, frowning. I closed the door and let me insanity cave in. "Nezumi,...NEZUMI..." I chuckled darkly. "Of course, u left because u never loved me,- right..?!" I then continued my violent sobbing. I was getting more and more insane by the day... There is no point at all in living. I sighed, tears still rolling down my cheeks. The city is nowhere near rebuilt, And Nezumi... "Nezumi." I sniffed. Grabbing a hold of my pocket knife lying flat on the brown desk. "I love you... but I will not wait, I thought I could but I- I cannot." I stuttered. "goodbye,..depressing world..." I clutched the knife and raised it to my chest. Ignoring wat sounded like footsteps, I proceeded, But the sound of a door slamming stopped me. I might as well die before the man in the cloak kills me. Just about to penetrate my chest, he comes running.. holding the blade in his hands, before raising it to his own chest. "Shion..." The figure in the brown cloak uttered a voice that seemed unreal. He showed me his beautiful face once more as he raised his head. "WHY WOULD YOU EVER DO THAT?! I TOLD YOU TO WAIT!" He was the one sobbing now. I simply stared in awe. Calming down, he said, "How would you feel if I killed myself?" I didn't answer. Shaking his head, he slapped me across the cheek. "Goddammit! ANSWER!" Tears once again filled my eyes as I couldn't believe his presence. "I would want to die with be with you wherever we go in another demention or not." He said, ready for another slap. But instead the tears were replaced by lust in the man's eyes. A suffocating feeling now stopped my tears as we were inches away from each others lips. I want him. Badly. I want to be his to devour after all these days I have waited.

No one's P.O.V. : (smut ahed!)
"I see..." He uttered in the most sexy voice Shion has ever heard. " you love me..?" He widened his eyes, knowing he had never thought of that. He answered in the one way he could explain and using the most lustfull uke voice he could utter. He knew mom was asleep. That was amazing. So he made a move. "u." He whispered in Nezumi's ear. That was the last straw. Lust.. that's all the two of them could feel. Shion's lips began too burn. Finally, Nezumi threw him on the bed. "Shion..." He moaned.

Mine For Life(No.6-shizumi) *DROPPED*Where stories live. Discover now