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My name is Ashlee Merlyn. For 5 years, I was stranded on an island with my best friend, Oliver Queen, and one goal- survive. Together we will fulfill his father's dying wish.

"Make it home. Right my wrongs." Mr. Queen told us.

"No!" Oliver and I shouted before he shot himself in the head.

To use the list of names he left us and bring down those who are poisoning our city. To do this, we must become someone else. We must become something else.

I watched as Oliver and Diggle trained with a metal pole in each hand.

"Angle the rear hand, Diggle." Oliver instructed.

"Ok." Diggle said before doing as told. They hit poles together before Oliver smacked him across the face. "Uhh! Uhh!"

"Variable acceleration." Oliver said. Most fighters work at the same pace. You switch it up, you throw your opponent off his game."

"That was nice." Diggle said sarcastically. "Where'd you learn that?"

"His name's Yao Fei." Oliver told him.

"He give you those scars?" Diggle asked the two of us as they circled each other.

"One of them." Oliver said.

"One scar for each of us." I added.

"Any others?" Diggle asked, but neither of us answered. "You know, one day you're gonna be straight with me about what really happened on that island."

"Absolutely." Oliver agreed before they started up again. Oliver managed to get Diggle behind the knees knocking him down. "But not today." Oliver made his way back to me putting his poles on the table behind me.

"Still some pretty sweet moves." Diggle complimented.

"Yep. Tonight I'm gonna use them on him." Oliver said and I moved out of the way so Diggle could see the screen.

"Scott Morgan runs the water and power plants in the Glades. Jacks up the prices when people can't pay, shuts them down even in the dead of winter." I explained.

"Which is at least a month away." Diggle said. "Look at this. These guys started at Keystone 3 years ago, then began moving west, hitting banks along the way." he showed us a picture of a gang in masks. "This morning they hit Starling City Trust. Shot an off-duty cop. He's in a coma and the doctors are saying it's a coin toss whether he'll make it."

"If he's a cop, SCPD will be all over it." Oliver told him.

"Overwhelmed? Underfunded? Listen, these guys don't hit one time. They hit 2 or 3 banks per city, which means right now they're planning their next job." Diggle told us.

"I think you have the wrong impression about what it is we do." Oliver told him.

"You take out bad guys with a bow and arrow and knives." Diggle said.

"We don't fight street crime." Oliver reminded him. "That's a symptom of what's wrong with this city. I'm trying to cure the disease."

"CEOs and crooked entrepreneurs." Diggle said. "I get it. Listen, Oliver, I'm just saying, maybe you can make a difference if you think beyond the scope of those pages. I'm sure your father wouldn't mind."

"No, you don't get it. My father died so that we could live. Live and make a difference by fixing the city that he and the people in this book ruined. Every name that we cross off this list honors that sacrifice." Oliver argued.

"There's more than one way to save this city." I added. Oliver threw me a look and I gave one back.

"Not for us." Oliver said.

Arrow and ShadowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon