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"Hi can you buzz me in?"

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry to bother you, but I don't have a key yet."

"A key to what?"

"My apartment. Didn't the owner tell you?"

"I don't understand, are you moving into the building?"

"Yeah. The landlord said he would tell you to buzz me in until have my own key."

"Sorry, haven't heard anything."

"I knew that guy looked untrustworthy."

"And here I thought I was the only one. What apartment are you moving into?"


"Ah, the one right above mine."

"In that case, I'll try to keep the raving and partying to a minimum."

"Consider it appreciated."

"You can repay me by buying me a soda from the vending machine down here."

"What, you too cheap to spend your own quarters?"

That, or maybe I jut want to meet you."

"Moi? Whatever for?

"You're right, I just wanted free soda."

"I suspected it all along."

"You are a sharp one."

"I try."

"Are you coming down or not?"

"Sure, Quarters. I'll meet you down in 3."

"Now we have nicknames? You always leave me out of the loop."

"Correction. You have nicknames, I will stick with the name that was bestowed upon me."

"And what name was that?"


"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I guess I should maybe know your real name just incase."

"Smart thinking. It's Xander."

"Eh, I think you should keep Quarters."

"Noted. Now hurry, I'm practically wasting away from dehydration."

"All right, all right, I'm coming."



"You have to buzz me in."

"Oh, right."

The Intercomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें