Chapter 12

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When I woke I was shaking. I felt something or someone touching me. I screamed and shot up thinking it was one of those bird things.

"Shhh" I looked up to my mothers face. My wide eyes stared into hers.

I was shaking uncontrollably. This time she was running her fingers through my hair. I tried to relax but I couldn't. My thoughts instantly went to Kathren. Little Kathren, who was to young, to gentle, to have anything happen to her.

"Where is she?" I barely choked out. I stared into my mothers green eyes, which were no longer full of hope or comfort.

"She's with her mom." I continued to stare at her waiting for her to say anything else. " Her mom heard a bunch of noise so she ran into the direction in which she heard it. As she got closer she recognized Kathren's screams. After Kathren calmed down a bit, she took her and left."

"Is she okay? Where'd she take her?" I rushed out in one breath.

" She's just in shock I believe. And I'm not sure where they went, but I'm sure she'll be fine."

" How do you know?! There are to many things that could happen to her!
I have to protect her! I have to protect Alice." I was screaming now as the tears threatened to spill. I didn't register what I said at first. My mom just stared at me with her sad, weary eyes and blank expression.

"Sometimes the easiest way to hold on , is by letting go." And with that she stood and began waking.

I just realized I had said Alice instead of Kathren.

"Mom wait!" She stopped and looked at me. Not knowing what else to do I walked over and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry."

"I miss her too," and I knew she wasn't referring to Kathren. And thinking about Alice, which made me think about dad, made the tears cascade down my face freely. "Let's go." she sniffles while I released our embrace. " Oh my gosh! Carmen, your arm!" She empathize by pointing to the triple N shaped scar.

It looked worse than ever. It was now a purple green color, swollen, and puss oozing out. It looked absolute disgusting. There was no doubt that it was infected. And it even hurt if I just moved my arm the wrong.

"Let's go see if I can clean up somewhere. There might be something at the ruins."

"You just got away form there and now you want to go back?"

"Where else am I going to find some kind of medicine for this?" She sighed but we continued in it silence.

Thankfully when we reached our destination there was what looked like a cruddy first aid kit off in the distance. I honestly thought there wouldn't be. I started walking toward the red and white box, which was covered in mud. It was broken open and supplies was scattered everywhere. I guess the savage birds decided to skip eating this. that makes one thing.

"Here." My mom spoke up.  I hadn't even noticed her come over. She handed me a little tube filled with paste. I wiped off the mud to see what it said: First Aid Antibiotic gel. Strange how this just happens to be here when I need it.

Is squirted some into my hand and applied to my scar; wincing and gritting my teeth as I did so. Something is better than nothing though. I slipped the tube into my jean pocket and went to scalage for some food that wasn't destroyed or eaten by the creatures.

All I found was a dented can a peaches and a can of Cream of Mushroom soup.  Once again, better than nothing. My mom came back with two water bottles; one on which was half drunken. But I didn't care it still looked like crystals on a bottle to me.

"Where do we go now? We can't stay in the cave anymore, it's to close to the ruins. All those creatures will smell all the rotting food and come to the ruins to feast."

My mom sighed, " I don't know."  she seemed like a totally different person now. I just wanted my old hopefully mom back.

I started walking into the woods. This time going the opposite direction from the cave, while my mom followed not far behind. We continued deeper into the woods in silence. Thoughts kept trying to creep in my mind, of the creatures prowling around in here. At least we could hide in here if they are verses if we were out in the open were they could see us for sure.

Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I updated, sorry. I've been busy then "somebody" got me addicted to YouTube.😂😂. Anyways some questions to think about are Where really is Alice? Is she in the woods with her mom somewhere too? And how is it that the first aid kit just happened to be there? And where is this mysterious boy Carmen ran into a while ago ( yes he will be in the story again😉). Well I hope you all enjoyed, and I know this was a short chapter, but the next will be longer! Thanks and don't forget to vote, share, and comment!

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