Chapter 1

36 3 3

There's gonna be some fluff in here don't worry..! ;3

Tom's POV

Tord has been up in his room for a while and he's beginning to worry me.. he hasn't come out in two weeks. 'Okay Tom, today's the day..' I told myself as I walked out of my room.

I closed my door and continued down the hallway to the stairs. I heard faint footsteps behind me and saw Tord. "Tord?" I gave him a look of confusion and a small smile. He turned away and walked quickly down the stairway.

'What's wrong with him..?' I thought then stepped down the stairs. I sighed, looked around, and colasped on the couch while shoving my hands into my hoodie pockets. I grabbed my flask out of my pocket and took a quick swig. "So gonna make some room Jehovah's" I heard the thick Norwegian accent from behind.

I jumped from the sudden thickness of him voice. I stayed there with a smirk plastered on my face. It's hilarious to piss him off.

"Thomas." He grunted, slightly annoyed. I chuckled and stayed there going dead weight. He tapped his foot getting impatient. "Tom, I'm not saying it again. Please. Move."

I moved over about an inch from where I was. He sighed, "Alright, you asked for it." He said with a joking tone. I suddenly felt some pressure on my chest. "And I'm going to stay here until you move." The smaller Norwegian boy purred as he wrapped his arms around my waist. My face turned a bit red at how close he was to my butt.

"I-I uhh.." I stammered trying to get my sentence out of my mouth.

"Spit it Jehovah's~" I felt a pair of hands on my ass and I gasped. "I-I'll get up if y-you get off of m-me." I managed to studder out quickly​.

He gave a soft hum and moved his hands away from my butt. "Alright, I'll get up I guess.." he pouted and gave me a face.

Don't you fucking dare..

He gave me those adorable, starry eyes.

Damn it.. those eyes again..

I gave a quick sigh and lied back down on my back. Tord gave a small 'yay' and placed his horned head on my chest. I stroked his hair softly earning a 'mmm' in response.

I chuckled and ran my fingers through his already messy hair. He tried to snuggle closer to me but it wouldn't work.

A few minutes later, I had a small Norwegian boy asleep on my chest. I soon fell asleep with him on me.

Tord's POV

Tom didn't know that I was acting like I was asleep.

Dumbass! Stop being rude!

I shook my head and opened my eyes. "Mmmhmmmhmm.." I groaned and woke Tom up.

Shit.. didn't mean to--

"Oh, awake now?" Tom asked​ in a low tone. "Y-yeah.." I blushed realizing I was still on his chest. I quickly sat up and plopped myself down on the couch, sitting right next to Tom.

"D-damn Jehovah's Witness.." I studdered for a second. I could tell he was looking at me although he had voids for eyes.

"What?" Tom said softly but a bit taken aback.

I looked over at him, "It was nothing, Thomas." I said smirking.

He gave a quick sigh and got up. He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge door. I didn't care what he did afterwards, so I just got up and went to my room to get my headphones and phone from my dresser. I came back and Tord was already back on the couch with a cup of water in hand. I plopped myself right next to him.

I put my headphones in my ears and turned on some music. The TV was on and I didn't wanna listen to whatever was on. I changed the song on my music list quickly and set my phone down, humming. I started to sing shortly after.

((Itallics-Tom Bold-Tord))

((Both Itallics and bold- Both Tom and Tord))

((Yes.. I'm still into Adventure Time.. hehe, I'm sorry ;-;))

I'm sorry I don't treat your like a god Is that what you want me to do?

Sorry I don't treat you like your perfect, like all your little loyal subjects do!

I'm sorry I'm not made of sugar.. Am I not sweet enough for you..?

Is that why you always avoid me?

I must be such an inconvenience to you, Well~

I'm just.. your problem..

I'm just..

Your problem.

It's like I'm.. not even a person! Am I..?

Oh no.. I'm just-- your problem!

I stopped singing realizing my headphones weren't fully plugged in. Tom gave me a smirk and shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets. "Well, it was nice while it lasted.." He said trailing off a little.

My face was reder than my own hoodie. I quickly covered my face and ran up to my room. Tom chuckled at my actions and stayed downstairs.

I got to my room and quickly shut my door, it giving me a soft 'slamming' noise. I sighed as my face started to cool off a bit. I sat on my bed also reaching under to grab my sketchbook that I always hide from the others. I opened it and started sketching. In a few minutes, I had drawn two circles with lines going through them and two raindrops.

This'll be fun.

Hiya my Sinnamon Rolls! :3 I hope ya like this little fanfics I'm making! Oh! II'm also got the title idea from an art book made by ZorionTheHufflepuff! And.. yeah. I really like their art and I think you should look at it! ((It's better than MINE!))

I'll see ya in the next one~


Sketching Raindrops ((TomTord fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now