Chapter 3

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Continuing from last chapter! Still Tom's POV

I sighed, "Because.. you might hate me even more.." I finally said after two minutes of silence.

He looked away saddened, "Thomas.. just tell me what you did.. I won't hate you even more.." he gave a toothy grin afterward.

I gave him a slight chuckle. "I.. I looked in your sketchbook.." I finally admitted.

He looked at me and laughed a little then realized what I had said. His face looked like a ripe strawberry. "Y-you l-looked..?!" He slightly yelled but I could tell he was embarrassed.

I looked down a bit, "Yes.. I'll leave now.." I then walked to the doorway.

Tord's POV

I looked up to see Tom walk to the doorway, "Thomas wait!" I said and grabbed his arm, tugging on his hoodie sleeve. "Please don't leave.." I looked away, ashamed that I almost drove my dearest away over a drawing I made.

He huffed and sat down on my bed. "Look, I have to admit something.." my face turned red again and I looked into his voids. He gave a looked that told me to go on.

I sighed and continued, "I uh.. I never really hated you.." I grabbed his hand and he looked surprised but didn't take his hand away. I started again. "I didn't like you either.." I inched my face closer to his. "I love you Thomas.." I pressed my lips softly and lovingly on Tom's and closed my eyes.

I felt him kiss back and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist. He made us lay down on my black and red covering as he slid his tounge into my mouth. We fought for dominance and I won, making me explore his mouth.

We pulled away from each other having a small trail of saliva coming from our lips. I looked into his eyes lovingly. My face was still red but I kissed him again, causing him to be on the bottom.

Edd's POV

I went upstairs to check on Tom and Tord. I haven't seen them in about two hours and Matt was following behind me and I swear to god if they're fighting again.

I heard small movements coming from Tord's room. I approched the door, "Tord, I swear if you're watching Hentai again I'll--" I had the door open and saw them kissing.

I smirked at them, "I'll leave you two alone~" I purred and closed the door, locking it since it had an outside lock and not an inside one since I can't trust Tord with a door like that anymore after last time.

I chuckled evilly to myself and walked down the hallway. "Edd, what were they doing?" Matt had asked. "Oh, they were getting along!" I lied and continued down the hall to get a can of Cola.

Matt hummed and walked off, grabbing a cookie from the cookie jar.

I sighed while laughing, "Tom! Tord! Get down here please!" I yelled from the stairway. They came running down with they're fingers interwinded but they quickly dropped each others hands and sat on opposite ends of the couch.

I grinned at them, "We are going to take a trip!"

"Yay! Trip!" Matt had his hands in the air, "Wait.. where to?"

"Wow, Matt's not being narcissistic for once!" Tord stated, his accent thick in his voice. "Hey! It's not my fault I'm absolutely beautiful!" Matt turned his back to the two lovers.

"Guys, let's not fuss! I don't know where to go so I guess we're just gonna have to vote on a place to go.." I said trying to get the two to stop what they were doing and for Tom to pay attention again.

Matt put his hand in a gun shape and placed it on his square-shaped chin while Tom and Tord just looked at him and back at me. "Well we dunno. Matt? Any ideas that isn't the house of mirrors?"

Matt crossed his arms, "No.."

Tom spoke up, "Well, let's search for something then, Edd." "Alright! Uh.. we will talk more about this tommorow!" I put on a smile and walked to my room.

Hey guys! I believe this is the longest chapter so far! Anywaus, thank you for reading this! Really appreciate it ♡♡


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