Chapter One: Our Beginning

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Hello my name is Grimdell I am the most ancient dragon in existence I walked this Earth before dinosaurs I know you thinking wait weren't you in the middle ages with knights killing you off the answer is yes we were, but we'll get to that later. Right now I'm telling you this we are they most ancient race to walk this Earth and since I'm the oldest I thought it would be fitting I write this and yes I am huge we all are if we want to be. You see after all these years we've had to change with the Earth we had to evolve so we can now change side at will. We do have wings but we use them in the air and water. Your thinking hey aren't you covered in scales. Yes we do but we actually use these scales like plants do we absorb sunlight through them. Ironically enough we eat plants. Yep, that's right where herbivores. No, we don't eat humans of animals of any kind. The bronciosaur is actually a decedent of our race we do have horns though. We only use them for defense. Also WE DON'T BREATH FIRE we can breath huge wind gusts though and we do all the time. Scientists think that because the Earth spins we get wind. No, it's because we are breathing these wind gusts all the time. We do this because it feels good and keeps us healthy. How does it keep us healthy you may ask it's like your normal breathing you need to do it. Also it helps keep the world clean you think trees absorb carbon dioxide ha that's all us we need it and also like plants we convert it to oxygen. It's how people got the term you are what you eat they got that from us. After eating plants for so long we are starting to become them. After we die we turned into trees that's how the first one was made. We came from​ a different larger planet more fit to grow life we were at war so we came here in seek of refuge. 50 of us came here hoping to find life here but we were to early so we waited we put our selves in a state of hibernation we slept for 100,000 years to find we were trapped in rock but we easily broke through it there were some dinosaurs about 10 feet tall and some scarce foliage but we stayed awake now keeping these early dinosaurs in check which was easy since they were the size of my eye. If they ever started fighting it was easy to shrink down and break it up. After the population of them started growing we were able to let them start killing them if they wanted. Skip forward half a billion years and we met the first intelligent being which was you the human we helped you develop your language and start growing crops. At first we were treated like God's ( much to our disliking). Then they started to grow wary they started thinking that we were dark creatures, so they tried to capture us this didn't turn out well we had to fly away and return 100 years later. At that point they had built temples and stared worshipping other things so they thought that there god was punishing them and started getting scared of us so we flew away for a long time and that brings us to the middle ages.

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