Chapter 5: Dumbest Things we've Done

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This chapter will be about some of the dumbest things we as dragons have done in my lifetime. It will also be the last chapter. Also these are in no particular order.

1. Burst out of the rock like we did (we kinda​ killed a couple thousand dinosaurs)

2. Growing to full size during the middle ages ( cause of the black death).

3. Have a bid fight, we had a major argument about something I can't remember so to of our biggest dragons flew up really high and one fell back down to earth killing the dinosaurs ( really sorry about that one).

4. Let the humans worship us because they started liking us and when they grew wary some didn't grow wary and still loved us and tried to protect us and got killed.

5. We have over the last couple thousand years made some pretty big tsunamis by doing the same thing we were doing when we killed the dinosaurs (again really sorry). We were fighting but we did shrink down and one of us fell into the ocean. Just an fyi the only way for one of us to win a fight is to knock the other dragon out of the air. Kinda like how you have to unseat you opponent in jousting.

These are 5 of the dumbest things​ we've ever done on earth let me know down in the comment section your order of the worst things

The reason I created this story is to get away from fanfiction I've read a couple and it's just not for me so I tag katiestargazer and Iwanttobethaliagrace to create anything but a fanfiction story

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