Chapter Three

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Niall leans away from Perrie to his original spot.

"I double dare Harry and..." Perrie pauses, "Louis."

It struck me.

"I dare you both to make out."

"No. Larry isn't real. Larry is the biggest bullshit ever." I reply.

"I'm not kissing Lou." Harry answers.

"Blame Niall, not me!" Perrie shouts back.

I get up from the ground and walk towards the nearby public toilets. Instead of walking into them, I walk past them. So I start to head home, I remembered that Harry's car keys were in my pocket. At the moment, I didn't care, and I didn't want to go back. The green grass is soft as I walk along.

I hear footsteps running up behind me, I was just thinking it was probably a younger kid running along, and it was. Then I hear another pair of footsteps running up behind me, thinking it was some other kid playing tag with the other kid that ran past a few seconds ago. Instead, arms wrap around my waist, and get lifted into the air, being spinned around in circles. I just knew this was Liam.

I get set back down onto the soft grass, I turn around to see Liam smiling, making me smile. I haven't seen Liam grinning this big since the lads came over to my place.

"Who sent you over?" I ask.

"Eleanor, Perrie and Niall tried coming over to you. Then I told them I would go." Liam explains.

"What did they say?" I question.

"I don't really remember." Liam pauses, looking down to his feet, grabbing my hands and intertwining his with mine. "Did you know that I love your eyes?"

"I know."

"Why the sad look?"

Just before I could answer his question, Liam leans in quickly for a passionate kiss. I knew people were around. I just knew that maybe the media was around. Paparazzi's could jump out of their hiding places. I pull away, letting go of his intertwined hands that were with mine.

"Not here." I whisper.

I turn around and start walking away from the stunned Liam. This romance is still a secret. Liam catches up with me, walking by my side, not saying a single word.

As I walked along the concrete path, that lead down next to the road, I keep my hands in my pockets, as Liam strolls along with them out of his pockets. There were trees along near the path, with different sized bushes with all kinds of flowers on each separate one. I turn a corner into an alley way, there were trash bags and big trash bins along the sides of the brick walls that made up this alley way.

I knew that my house will be opposite at the end of this alley way. As I reached the end, I continue to walk out onto the road, and through the white front gates to my home. Liam still following behind. I grab out my keys to the front door, unlocking it, then leaving it open for Liam.

I head straight upstairs, and straight onto Twitter on my laptop. Liam walks in, standing behind me, looking through the Twitter's newsfeed. I go my notifications, and see all of this Larry Stylinson, Elounor and Lilo Paynlinson shit. The media, and paparazzi's seemed to have gotten us while we were kissing at the beach.

I look up at Liam, "What do I say?"

"Just say... Uh... That... We aren't boy-boyfriends." Liam replies, with a sass look in his eyes.

I couldn't do it for Liam's sakes. But I had to.

I started to type,

"@LouisTomlinson: Lilo nor Larry is real ! It's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard, even ask Liam yourself ."

I then hit the 'Tweet' button. I close my laptop, then walk over to my bed. I plop myself onto it, not caring where I was, I just wanted all of this end. This secret to end. But I was afraid of the hate from people. What if they didn't accept that I was gay? That they didn't accept of who I was.

"Lou... Everything is going to be alright."

I shake my head. I couldn't speak.

Liam climbs onto the bed, bringing me closer towards him, so he could hold me in his grip. I felt safe in his arms. It seemed that nothing could touch, or harm me.

"... I love you, Liam." I whisper.

"I love you too, Lou."

I close my eyes for a bit.

* * * * * * *

I open up my eyes, I look behind me to see no one in the room but myself. I must've taken a nap instead of just closing my eyes for a bit. I get up from the bed and head towards the door, I open up the closed, I silently walk over to the top of the stairs, and I can hear Niall laughing. I walk down the stairs, and I can see Zayn, Liam, Niall, Harry and Eleanor sitting in the living room.

"Babe! Come sit down." Eleanor shouts out.

I shake my head and I pace myself until I'm in front of everyone.

"Eleanor, can you... Leave? Please? I'll talk to you later." I ask, slightly smiling. "And the rest of you besides... Liam."

Eleanor gets up from her seat and comes towards me, planting a kiss onto my lips. Zayn and Harry follow Eleanor out the door. Harry stops in the doorway, "Are you coming Niall?"

"I'll be out in a min." He replies.

Harry leaving the door open.

"Is it actually true?"

"What?" I ask.

"You and Liam?"

"He saw us sleeping together, I had my arm around you while you were sleeping." Liam explains.

"Oh... Yeah it's true..." I go silent. Now Niall knew.

"I won't tell the boys. But what're you going to do with your so called, girlfriends?"

"Tell them. Somehow." Liam replies.

"And this has been a secret for how long?"

"Two months." Liam responds.

"Damn, you two are really good at hiding things. Alright, I'm going. See you guys later."

Niall stands up from his spot, and goes out the door. I am glad that was over.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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