Chapter 1: Crossing Boundaries

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*This book is pretty descriptive and can get sexual so if you aren't into reading that, I suggest you do not read further. But if you do, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the story.*

As soon as I stepped over the territory border line, I immediately felt the urge to whimper and turn around and walk the other way with my tail between my legs. But there was no way I would give into that instinct, I was on the run and I couldn't go back now.

The power that radiated off of the small town and the woodlands beyond it were intimidating. It was all because of a single scent that I could pick up among many others; the scent of an alpha; Alpha Tyler Reius. A man that I've only ever heard stories about as I moved through territories. The largest wolf anyone had ever seen, the most handsome, a true and honest leader of wolves, and so on.

It was getting dark so I decided I'd stay in the woods in this town for the night since I didn't have nearly enough money for a hotel. I spotted a run down bar and thought that I'd get myself a drink.


I had just gotten done with my sixth glass of bottom-shelf whiskey on the rocks when the bartender cut me off and told me to pay my tab. I wasn't anywhere near drunk but I was playing along with the drunken humans around me that had a glass or two less. I set down my empty glass and yelled at the bartender.

"No! You think I'm gonna pay for your shhhitty whiskey?! Ha!" I yelled with slurred words and poked him in the chest as I leaned over the bar.

"You better pay for that you--" he began to say between his teeth. The guy was large and young but he was human and no match for my werewolf strength.

A smirk played on my lips, hoping that he would say something to give me an excuse for starting a bar brawl.

"What? What's that you were going to call her?" A booming, powerful voice said calmly from the door. The voice alone sent shivers down my spine and caused heat to pool between my thighs. I turned around just as everyone else did and looked at who the powerful voice belonged to, although from the scent, I could take a pretty good guess.

I started at his feet, trailing my gaze up his large muscularly defined body until I met his eyes. His stormy grey orbs seemingly swirled as they took me in, his long dark hair falling messily around his face. The world around us faded away for a split second and all I could feel was a magnetic pull toward him.

Lust filled his eyes as he smelled my obvious arousal. But mine was not as obvious to the surveying humans like his was as a large bulge quickly formed in his jeans. Moans and pleads for him to take me right here right now threatened to come out of me but I quenched my wolf's desires.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Get it together, she-wolf. I said to the sex crazed wolf in the back of my mind.

The human bartender stumbled on his words to try and answer the Alpha in the meantime.

"Beautiful woman? Because if that is what you were going to say, I would very much agree." Alpha Reius said with a smirk to the bartender, who looked like he had just shit himself. I slapped down the few dollars that I had onto the bar and brushed past alpha Reius to get out of the door, ignoring the tingles that spread through my arm after touching him.

"I can take care of myself, alpha Reius." I growled at him.

He was just another self-centered Alpha that thinks he can get what he wants. He's a player, a flirt, and apparently he wanted me to be one of the many women he's gotten into his bed; another notch on his belt. Probably isn't hard to get women with who he is and how he looks. And telling from the buldge in his pants, he is very well-endowed.

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