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Eren's PoV

Ugh! Seeing Petra almost sitting on Levi's lap sort of irritated me. Like c'mon gurl show some control, too much PDA!

"Dude, are you going to the hang out?" I asked Levi with a grin as I pushed Petra out of my way, and Levi's lap.

"I don't know, I'll go if you go." he replied with his permanent stoic face.

I don't know why I bother asking him such questions when I know the answers but I still do because it makes me happy.

The bell rang and before hustling to my class I tell him to pick me up at 7.

The entire class I thought of our hangout tonight wishing Petra won't show up so that I can have Levi all to myself. Hate to admit it but I feel a silent competition over him whenever she's around. I mean I get that Levi is her boyfriend but I'm his bestfriend. She's too goddamn clingy I swear.


I called Eren 4 times and he didn't pick up. I call him once more and he finally answered. " Hey Eren.. " and before I could even finish my line he knew what it was and the door in front of me opened with two clicks.

Is he telepathic? I smiled inwardly.

I plopped down on his bed hugging his side pillow watching him getting dressed. God he's gorgeous. I admire his gorgeousness for few more minutes before I asked him where's Mikasa.

"Uhm.. She said she's going to a cosplay event or something." Eren replied while putting on a muscle t-shirt.

I felt tired and hide my face on the side pillow when suddenly I felt a hand on my head. I decided to stay like that and let Eren play with my hair till it started annoying me. I looked up and he immediately moved away his hand and smiled. This brat. I broke the silence telling him that Petra won't be coming and his face lit up like a bulb. I chuckled.

"My girlfriend isn't coming either. We can have each other all to ourselves." joked Eren.

Petra thinks you're too clingy and she told me to tell you to change my contact name on your phone. Eren's beautiful big green eyes widens and blinks for awhile before he bursts into laughter. I didn't get what was so funny but I kept quiet and listened Eren blabber as usual.

"Tell her I'll fucking kiss you in front of her if she dares to say that ever again." he said seriously.
I rolled my eyes and subconsciously thought of the first time I kissed Eren. It wasn't anything meaningful. He was just a nervous nun back then so, he wanted to practice before he dared to smash his lips on his first girlfriend and of course I was his victim by default.

"Let's go! We are going to be late." Eren said as he walked out of the room.

I decided not to give a shit and stay the way I was.

"Leeeviii" called out Eren in the most annoying way he would, making both my soul and body cringe.

"Can we not go? Can we stay home and order food?" I asked knowing too damn well that he will agree no matter how much he wanted to hang with everyone.

"Sure! Spending quality time with my husband is better than seeing all of our friends in one place after months." he said sarcastically.

"Thanks beb. I want extra spicy buffalo wings, and fries. Wake me up when the food is here." I chuckled.

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